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Arab merchants

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Q: Islam was FIRST introduced into India by Arab?
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When and how was Islam introduced to India?

Islamic influences in India could be seen as early as the 7th century AD. At this time, Arab traders arrived in India.

What religion was introduced to Africa by Arab traders?

Voodoo, rasta or whatever you wish to call it.

What is the first religion in the Philippines?

Islam is considered to be the first religion in the Philippines, introduced by Arab traders and missionaries in the 14th century.

The conflict between Islam and India began around?

The first Muslims in India were Arab merchants who traveled to the Malabar Coast of India by sea. When the Muslim armies defeated the Sasanian Empire, many Zoroastrians fled to the east and settled in Gujarat.

Did Arab traders introduce Christianity to Southeast Asia in the 800s and 900s?

No. Arab Traders introduced Islam to Southeast Asia in the 800s and 900s. It would be the Spanish who would introduce Catholicism to the Philippines in the early 1500s and this would be the first major introduction of Christianity to Southeast Asia.

What are 3 facts about the Arab religion?

"Arab" is an ethnicity, not a religion. While Islam was founded in the Arab World and most Arabs today are Muslims, Islam is the religion not "Arab".

What are 5 non Arab countries that practice Islam?

of the Non Arab countries practicing Islam are:IndonesiaMalaysiaPakistanBangladeshIranTurkeyAfghanestan

What is the major religion of the Arab world?

Sunni Islam is the most common religion in the Arab World, but every Arab chooses his own "dominant" religion or non-religion to believe in.

How did Islam become a multi cultural religion?

when Islam was just beginning and after the death of Muhammad (sws), the Arab empire conquered alot of differerent regions and introduced their religion, however they did not force mass conversions. Islam was simply appealing to followers of other religions because of the political unity and loyalty. if you have time research the beginnings of the Arab empire and the life of Muhammad (sws)

What was the religionof the Arab traders?


What is different between Islam and Arab?

Islam is the monotheistic religion revealed through the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him by God, Allah. A person who submits his will to the faith of Islam is a Muslim but, an Arab is a person of the Arabian Peninsula.

What is the main religion of the Arab people?

The main religion of the Arab people is Islam.