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Q: Is thinking is constantly transformed by the process of assimilation and accommodation?
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Continue Learning about General History

Is Rome an entire city built on water?

No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.No. You are thinking of Venice which is on the other side of the Italian peninsula.

Why would you use the skill of historical thinking?

Path dependency and contingent thinking Jews

What does concentration mean does it mean the act of thinking?

the act of thinking and calulating for the situation and understand the situation

Identify at least three defining characteristics of the 1950s?

• A world in shock, recovering as best it could from the Second World War. • A world in transition, moving from its ease of expectations prior to that war and into a culture transformed by its losses to undertake new routes, outward and new modes of thinking, inward. • Conservatism on the surface with radicalism boiling just beneath it, soon to collide. True, but probably incomplete. Hope it helps. It should.

What is it called when military forces are used to keep order?

You could be thinking of a state of emergency, you could be thinking of peacekeeping (although peacekeeping is largely a farce), you could be thinking of martial law... it varies based on context.

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What does it mean to dream of a guy constantly?

Your constantly thinking about this guy.

What are the cognitive view of human development?

The cognitive view of human development involves the intellectual thought processes and critical thinking steps taken throughout a humans development. An example of a cognitive developmental psychologist is Jean Piaget. The main aspects of his approach to cognitive development involve schemas, assimilation, and accommodation. Schemas are described as categories of our intellectual knowledge that we use to interpret our environmental circumstances. When new information is added to our previously discovered schema, it's called assimilation. And accommodation occurs when the schema changes according to the new information we have learned or received.

Explain how the mind builds and modifies psychological structures according to piaget?

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the mind builds psychological structures through the processes of assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation involves incorporating new information into existing cognitive structures, while accommodation involves adjusting those structures to fit new information. Through this process, individuals build more complex mental structures and organize their understanding of the world.

what is the Piaget learning theory?

Piaget's theory of cognitive development explains how children's thinking evolves as they interact with their environment. He proposed that children progress through stages of sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational thinking. Piaget emphasized the importance of active engagement with the physical world in learning and believed that children construct knowledge through cognitive processes such as assimilation and accommodation.

When you revamp your old ways of thinking because of new information Piaget calls this?


What do you do if your constantly thinking of your love to cheating on you?

You should talk to him about it

How do people move when not thinking?

People are ALWAYS constantly thinking, either you know about it or you are doing it subconciously.

What are the five stages where schemas are acquired and changed?

Assimilation: fitting new information into existing schemas. Accommodation: modifying existing schemas to incorporate new information. Sensorimotor stage: birth to 2 years, learning about the world through senses and actions. Preoperational stage: 2 to 7 years, developing language and thinking skills. Concrete operational stage: 7 to 11 years, understanding concrete concepts and logical reasoning.

Is constantly thinking about running away from home a disorder?

you tell me

Constantly thinking of food why?

maybe youre just hungry

What does it mean when you dream about the girl you like?

then it probably means you are thinking of her constantly and even when you think you aren't thinking of her you probably are subconsciously.

When we revamp our old ways of thinking because of new information Piaget calls this?

"Accommodation." Piaget proposed that when individuals adjust their existing beliefs or ideas in response to new information or experiences, they are engaging in the process of accommodation, which is a key aspect of cognitive development.