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i'm sure that there are, if i have understood your question.

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Q: Is there any that the survivors of the holocaust send you a letter?
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What ship did the Navy send to pick up survivors from Titanic?

The US Navy did not send any ships to rescue survivors. All survivors of the Titanic were recsued by the Carpathia, a passenger/cargo ship.

Did any of the Jew survivors become famous after the holocaust?

Yes,Like jalko suzigal wrote a book about concentration camp after he got out

Are there anymore survivors from the Holocost here in the US And if so where in the US do they live?

There are many survivors still around from the Holocaust. Any European Jew in his 70s or older would have been old enough to remember it.

Who were some survivors people during the Holocaust?

About 200,000 Jews survived the Holocaust.________There's a problem: there is no agreed definition of Holocaust survivor. I believe that the question should be broken down and restated as: How many Jewish Holocaust Concentration Camp Survivors were there in 1945?How many Jews survived the Holocaust Years, living in European Countries under direct Nazi German control as of 1945?There isn't an official number for the survivors from the Holocaust, however, we know that its not as many as we would like.The Holocaust ended in 1945.It is now 2012, so any Holocaust Survivor must be 67+ years old. Normally, young children did not survive in the Concentration camps, and even if they were lucky enough to do so, few would be able to testify to their memories, if they were younger than eight. So any survivors with clear memories of their experience in the concentration camps, should be 75 or older.The Majority of Holocaust Survivors now live in Israel according to a news story by Associated Press written in January, 2010. The story also said that the majority of Israel's Holocaust survivors suffer from depression. According to a study reported in the article,two thirds of Israel's 220,000 survivors experience some form of distress.There are maybe at most another 40,000 Holocaust survivors in the rest of the world.Now 2 years later, it would probably be less than a quarter of a million due to attrition.Read more: Discuss:How_many_Jewish_Holocaust_survivors_are_still_alive

Are there any living Holocaust survivors living anywhere near Texas US?

Probably. I'd suggest that you ask a local synagogue for more precise information.

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Was there any survivors from the nazi concentration camps?

Yes, there were about 3 million Holocaust survivors.

Are there any Holocaust survivors in beloit Wisconsin?

You could contact the local synagogue and ask tactfully. Please bear in mind that any Holocaust survivors are likely to be elderly.

Did any of the holocaust survivors find any of their familymembers that survived?

yes, many

Were there any survivors of the holocaust named Anezka?

not sure how was her name pronounced

Is there any holocaust survivors still alive on February fourth 2015?

Yes. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, there are roughly about 195,000 Holocaust survivors as of this writing (February 2015). However, sadly, of course, these survivors are passing away quickly. All of them are quite elderly at this point. The very youngest survivors would be in their mid 70s now.

Did any children of the holocaust try to escape?

Yes they did, infact some of the survivors of the holocaust who died in the last 10 years were escapees.

Are there any Holocaust survivors living in the US?

Many of them. If you visit a local holocaust museum, you can find talks that are given by survivors. I've been privileged to attend a couple of these. They are very moving and hard to listen to.

Are there any Holocaust survivors in the US?

It is very likely. You could ask a local synagogue tactfully.

Were there any survivors after the Germans killed the Jews?

Yes. A small number of Jews survived the Holocaust.

What ship did the Navy send to pick up survivors from Titanic?

The US Navy did not send any ships to rescue survivors. All survivors of the Titanic were recsued by the Carpathia, a passenger/cargo ship.

Are there any holocaust survivors?

Yes there are a few... Elie Wiesel is one... He wrote a book called Night, and its very informational!

Did any of the Jew survivors become famous after the holocaust?

Yes,Like jalko suzigal wrote a book about concentration camp after he got out