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No. Once it has all been used up, it'll be gone. And its non-renewable, which means once we use it, we cannot use it again. In fact, in many places of the world people are running out of oil. Depressing, huh?

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Q: Is there an unlimited supply of fossil fuels why or why not?
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How is the United States' consumption of fossil fuels affecting the supply and demand of these products?

How do war effect fossil fuels?

war doesn't effect fossil fuels , but it does effect fossil fuel prices when a country that has large amount of fossil fuel reserves is politically unstable it will reduce the amount of fossil fuels that can be delivered from it , there by increasing the price since the law of supply states that the lower the supply the higher the price

When is the World's supply of fossil fuels thought to run out?


What are solars energys two advatages over fossil fuels?

It's clean and unlimited

What are resources that are not fossil fuels called?

Renewable resources or alternative energy sources are types of resources that are not fossil fuels. These include solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, and biomass.

Why is the supply of fossil fuels limited?

The supply of fossil fuels is limited because they are formed from organic materials like plants and animals that take millions of years to break down and transform into coal, oil, and gas. Since fossil fuels are being extracted and burned at a much faster rate than they are being replenished, their reserves are depleting rapidly.

What is a renuable energy source?

Fossil fuels. Anything with a finite supply.

What is the point of reusing?

Waste reduction. Maximizing available supply fossil fuels.

Why is their limited supply of fossil fuels on earth?

They take a LONG time to make.

Why do you think the supply of Fossil Fuels is limited?

Yes. It takes the earth millions of years to make a barrel of oil. Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuel sources. The "available supply" may increase due to new discoveries but the earth's total resources or supply of these fuels is finite, and diminishes as we use them. Fossil Fuels are made when something gets covered and so much pressure is on that thing it turns into oil. The UAE is a place with a lot of Fossil Fuels because the sand covers any animal of thing that dies there.

The majority of the worlds electricity is supplied by burning 2 words?

fossil fuels

Why is it difficult to say exactly when the world will run out of fossil fuels?

To know when the earth's fossil fuels will be completely gone, it is necessary to know: 1. Supply: The existing and future quantities (yet to be discovered) of fossil fuels and 2. Consumption: The rate at which the world will consume these fuels. There is disagreement among organizations on the future supply and consumption. Many predict that as the supply becomes more expensive, we will use energy conservation to reduce the demand. However, as the standard of living improves in many countries, in particular India and China, the demand for fossil fuels has increased. There is disagreement as to the role of alternative fuels will have in the future. Some predict that the demand for fossil fuels will decline as alternative fuels offer a more economical option. The related link is excellent in describing the predicted peak then decline of fossil fuels. You may find many links on the internet. Also, several recent books have been written about the period of "peak" and "decline" periods in fossil fuel supply.