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No, when the egyptians built the pyramids, pharoah ordered them to face all ways so that he could show the symbal of Egypt.

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Q: Is there a religious reason for pyramids facing northeastwest and south?
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What was the reason for the placement of the pyramids?

The pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs, designed to protect and preserve their bodies for the afterlife. They were intended to show the pharaoh's power and divine status while serving as a link between the earthly and divine realms. The pyramids were oriented towards the sun and stars for religious and astronomical significance.

Did they have pyramids without pharaohs or kings?

the reason they had pyramids was to honour the great pharoahs. they were believed to be the gateway to heaven. pyramids were only built to signify the king.

Are there hyroglythics on the pyramids?

There are hieroglyphics in and around most pyramids except for the pyramid complex at Giza. This is another reason why some people believe these pyramids were not built by the Egyptians.

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There is really no reason. People just decided to make pyramids triangle shaped.

What is the reason for the pyramid?

AnswerThe pyramids are the symbol of the great country of Egypt.ANS 2 Pyramids are primarily tombs for the Pharoahs.

What was the reason pharaohs were buried in pyramids?

to tell people it was there pyramid

Is there a scientific reason how they made the pyramids?

No it was purely egyptian religion

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