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NVA units were equipped along the same lines as the allied troops. There are documented after action reports of NVA units deploying flame throwers against allied troops during the late 1960's. Primarily against some USMC outfits, in '68 some NVA units may have deployed flame throwers against US Marine ammunition dumps when they over ran some positions. For the record, USMC units primarily operated in I Corps, one of the known "hot" areas in South Vietnam (hot=dangerous with enemy activity).

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Q: Is there a record of the North Vietnamese army using a flamethrower?
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You can teach flamethrower to flareon by using the TM.

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Arcanine doesn't learn flamethrower in any Pokemon games, if you want to teach him, give him the TM flamethrower (TM35). However, if you waited till lv 50, a growlithe can indeed learn flamethrower on its own. Unfortunately, arcanine would not learn extremespeed as a result. Ah but it does, if you get it up to level 50 it will learn flamethrower then evolve it using a fire stone and when it has evolved it will learn extremespeed soz if answer is a bit late

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It all depends on if you mean the TM or using sketch. If you are using sketch then I think you keep it but, if you try to teach it using the TM most likely you won't get it.

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What can the words 'hihn nen' refer to?

The Vietnamese words "hihn nen" refer to beautiful wallpapers. You can translate more words from Vietnamese to English by using the Google Translator tool.

What was the cause of the war between the south Vietnam and the north Vietnam during 1963?

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