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Contact the Veterans Administration or the branch of service he served in. You will need his SSN, date of birth, branch of military, dates of service, and where he served.

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Q: Is there a list of wounded Marines at Iwo Jima?
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What is the toughest battle the US Marines did?

Iwo Jima '45.

Who seized the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa?

US Marines .

On what Japanese island did US Marines raise old glory?

The American flag was raised atop Mount Suribachi, on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima, on February 23, 1945.

Where on the island did the Americans raise their flag in the battle of Iwo Jima?

The Marines raised the US flag on the top of Mt Suribachi in the Battle for Iwo Jima.

Who was involved in the battle of Iwo Jima?

Japanese versus US Marines .

When do US marines capture Iwo Jima?

Feb/Mar 1945.

What was the strategic objective of the marines fighting on the island of Iwo Jima?

The airfield.

How many US soldiers fought on Iwo Jima?

6821 Americans died, but none of them were soldiers. Soldiers belong to the Army, and it was the US Marines who took Iwo Jima. So all the casualties were Marines, or medics serving with the Marines, who are US Navy Corpsmen. There were also 19,217 US wounded.

How many men were in the invasion force of Iwo Jima?

70,000 US Marines

What year did us troops land at Iwo Jima?

US Marines landed on the Japanese held island of Iwo Jima February 19 - March 26, 1945 .

How many people were in the battle of Iwo Jima?

70,000 US servicemen and 22,000 Japanese soldiers fought on Iwo Jima. All the Japanese died and 26,000 Marines died.

How many marines died at Okinawa?

US losses at Iwo Jima were 6,821 killed, 19,217 wounded and battle fatigue casualties totaled 2,648. The Marines sustained 23,573 total casualties, or about 33 percent of their available force. Japanese losses are estimated at 20,000 and only 1,083 prisoners were taken.