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No. In those days only aristocrats had family names. Most people were just known by one given name. Please also remember that soldiers didn't have a metal disc or any like that to identify them.


There is a list of Normans at the Battle. It is almost certainly accurate but it seems, to me, unlikely to be exhaustive. :

Normans at The Battle of Hastings

This list was copied from a posting on the Usenet newsgroup soc.history.medieval by William Addams Reitwiesner. He explained the derivation of the list:

The list of persons actually known to have been at the Battle of Hastings on the side of William the Conqueror is printed in the second edition of Cokayne's Complete Peerage, vol XII, Part I, Appendix pp. 47-48, as part of Appendix L. Numbers 1-12 are recorded by William of Poitiers, number 13 is portrayed in a battle scene in the Bayeux Tapestry, and 14 and 15 are named by Orderic. 16-19 were in William's army and almost certainly at the battle (16 named by William of Poitiers, 17-19 portrayed in the Bayeux Tapestry), but there is no direct statement that they actually were at the Battle of Hastings. Number 20 is stated by Orderic to have taken part in fights in the English war before William became King.

Here's the list as it was posted:

01. Robert de Beaumont, afterwards Count of Meulan and Earl of Leicester

02. Eustace, Count of Boulogne

03. William, afterwards 3rd Count of Evreux

04. Geoffrey of Mortagne, afterwards Count of Perche

05. William FitzOsbern, afterwards Earl of Hereford

06. Aimery, vicomte of Thouars

07. Hugh de Montfort, seigneur of Montfort-sur-Risle

08. Walter Giffard, seigneur of Longueville

09. Ralph de Toeni, seigneur of Conches

10. Hugh de Grandmesnil, seigneur of Grandmesnil

11. William de Warenne, afterwards Earl of Surrey

12. William Malet, seigneur of Graville

13. Eudes, Bishop of Bayeux, afterwards Earl of Kent

14. Turstin FitzRou

15. Engenulf de Laigle, seigneur of Laigle

16.Geoffrey de Mowbray, Bishop of Coutances

17. Robert, Count of Mortain, afterwards Earl of Cornwall

18. Wadard

19. Vital

20. Goubert d'Auffay, seigneur of Auffay

Posted by the Academy of Saint Gabriel, 30 Sept 1999.

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