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The quetzalcoatl is a mythological creature that is a combination between a bird and a dragon. They are supposed to have been hunted to extinction by the Spanish, but in reality they never really existed.

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When Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortés arrived, the Aztecs believed he was Quetzalcoatl, a god who would bring peace to Mexico (some hope!). "Quetzalcoatl" meant feathered snake.

What did Quetzalcoatl mean?

Well its a simple question really, a Quetzalcoatl is a feathered serpent, the phrase originates from the nahuatl language.Thank you please :)

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Emanuela Monaco has written: 'Quetzalcoatl' -- subject(s): Religion, Quetzalcoatl (Aztec deity), Aztecs

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Did you mean Quetzalcoatl? He was an Aztec and Toltec god, the Winged Serpent. In Aztec religion the high priests were also called Quetzalcoatl.

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Wat doesthis mean>