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Q: Is the plural of papyrus papyruses or papyri?
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What is the plural form of the word papyrus?

The plural of papyrus is papyri or papyruses. Both are acceptable, but papyri is preferred.

What is the plural of papyrus?


Plural for papyrus?

The noun papyrus can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be papyrus. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be papyri e.g. in reference to various types of papyri or a collection of papyri

What is papyri with regards to the Bible?

It is the plural of papyrus, which is an early writing material (paper) that was made from the stems of reeds (plants that grow in marshy areas). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Papyri was a type of paper made out of "Papyrus" stems (which grow in tropical water). This was the a common medium on which ancient egyptians and hebrews used to write their texts. The "Dead Sea Scrolls" were ancient papyri on which some of the oldest copies of some of the Bible text have been found.

What has the author Robert W Daniel written?

Robert W. Daniel has written: 'Architectural orientation in the papyri' -- subject(s): Ancient Architecture, Manuscripts (Papyri), Papyrus, Orientation (Architecture), Architektur

What has the author R B Parkinson written?

R. B. Parkinson has written: 'Papyrus' -- subject(s): Manuscripts (Papyri), Papyrus (The plant) 'The Rosetta Stone' -- subject(s): Egyptian language, Hieroglyphic Writing, Rosetta stone

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words ending with I:alibialkalialumniantiBanguibanzaibasmatibikinibroccolicacticalamaricannoliCaprichaichiliconfettidaiquirideliDubaiennuifrangipanifungiGeminignocchigraffitiHavartiHawaiihihibachijacuzzikabukikhakikiwileimacaronimanicottimariachimartinimininucleiobiokapiorigamipaparazziparchisipastramipepperonipipirogipoipotpourriquasiRabbiraviolisafarisalamisamuraisariscampisemishanghaiskispaghettispumonisushisyllabiTahititalitankinitaxiteriyakitimpanitortellinitortonitsunamivermicelliWaikikiwasabiyogiziti

What has the author Revel A Coles written?

Revel A. Coles has written: 'A new Oxyrhynchus papyrus' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Greek drama (Tragedy), Manuscripts, Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri), Paris (Legendary character) in literature, Textual Criticism 'The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (Graeco-Roman Memoirs)'

Who created alloys?

The origins of Western alchemy are traceable back to ancient Egypt.[11] The Leyden papyrus X and the Stockholm papyrus along with the Greek magical papyri comprise the first "book" on alchemy still existent. See link below.

What has the author Georges Posener written?

Georges Posener has written: 'Le Papyrus Vandier' -- subject(s): Tales, History and criticism, Papyrus Vandier 'L' enseignement loyaliste' -- subject(s): Egyptian language, Egyptian Didactic literature, Egyptian literature, Papyri, History and criticism, Egyptian Inscriptions

Did Romans have books?

They had scroll written on coarse cloth and papyrus, important ones such as laws and histories were kept in libraries like the one in the Roman forum and the villa of the papyri in Pompeii. Short notes were made on erasable wax tablets

What did the Nile provide for people?

Mostly food, silt (the fertile soil) and the papyruses.