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It is racist and it may cause offence because it depicts those ideas the nazis had about 'untermenschen' (people considered subhuman or racially inferior). Nazis are widely disapproved of (so they should be).

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Q: Is the nazi sign racist
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What are racist words for Germans?

Hun, Kraut, Nazi, Squarehead

Is Nazi the racist n word?

No.It's Ni*ga ,used to call a black person by a racist way!

Why was doing the Nazi salute racist?

The salute is not racist in itself. But since it is a representation of the Nazi regime, which stood for a racist ideology, doing it now invokes the feelings of anti-Semitism. Much like how the swastika is, in fact, an ancient Indian symbol representing life, its use now has been bastardized by Nazi Germany. The salute is not racist in itself. But since it is a representation of the Nazi regime, which stood for a racist ideology, doing it now invokes the feelings of anti-Semitism. Much like how the swastika is, in fact, an ancient Indian symbol representing life, its use now has been bastardized by Nazi Germany.

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The ASL sign for racist involves pointing your index finger at your temple and moving it in an arc.

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Socialism is not a racist concept, but there must surely be socialists who are racists. It is also worth noting that the official name of the Nazi Party was National Socialism. Sometimes a person who describes himself as a socialist is actually a nazi.

What happens if the Nazi sign is used?

Nazi signs were used to show that the Nazi were different

Can a black man be a Nazi?

Not really because Nazi groups like neo-Nazis are at its roots quite racist and are against black people.

Is there a Nazi political party in America?

yes there is one as a matter a fact. Very racist.

What is the name of the sign of the Nazi Party?

The swastika was used and also coupled with the Parteiadler (Party's eagle) and the Reichsadler (Empire's Eagle) as a sign of the Nazi party.

Where did Adolf Hitler get the nazi sign from?

It is an inverted Indian good luck sign

Would it be funny if your friend dressed up as Hitler had a boom box that played the nazi vicotry song nazi saluted and goose stepped around walmart as a not meaning to be racist joke?


What is the sign of the nazi party in Germany called?
