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Yes! Most definitely!!! America is a free country.

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Q: Is the freedom possible for black people in America?
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What are the release dates for A History of Black Achievement in America - 2005 The Fight for Freedom?

A History of Black Achievement in America - 2005 The Fight for Freedom was released on: USA: 13 October 2005

Is there greater freedom for black people now than there was in the 17th?

Yes There Is Because Black People Have As Much Freedom As White People And Black People Have Thier Own Lives And They Can Afford Many Of The Things White People Do

Who are the real black people in America?

Anyone who is black in America is a real black person in America.

Did some black people have freedom?

If they were sneaking it. But they should have had freedom in the FIRST PLACE!

Did the march on Washington help black people get freedom?

yes, it helped them get freedom

Are There Negroes in the US?

Yes, There are all sors of people in all sorts of place!America has freedom and anyone can leave there!Black people are/have the same rights we do so they leave anywhere they want to!So yes negroes live in America.

What was Dr.King's I Have a Dream speech about?

freedom for black people

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word underground railroad?

Before the Civil War in America, many black people left the south on foot, and were routed through the underground railroad through the northern states to their freedom. The underground railroad consisted of non-black people sympathetic to the plight of black citizens, so they fed them, housed them and helped them find their way to freedom.

Why is Rosa parks special?

she was special for get freedom for black people

What is the purpose of gumboot dance?

The purpose of the gumboot dance is to mark the freedom of black people working in the mines in South Africa.

Who was the person helped register black voters in Mississippi?

The Freedom Riders came on buses into the south. These people helped black people register to vote. There were many uprisings against the Freedom Riders.

How were black people segregated in America?

black people where segregated that they where not aloud to speak to white people