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It was good but now is dead.

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Q: Is the civil rights movement good or bad?
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Where just African Americans treated bad during the civil rights movement?

Hispanics were too but not as much blacks

Why did people continue to demonstrate during the civil rights movement despite being treated very badly?

they are really bad actors

What did the issue of states rights contribute to the outbreak of the civil war?

The states struggled to find out if Slavery was good or bad.

American Civil War thesis?

The war had a good impact and a bad one women got rights then lost the right to vote

What civil rights leader wanted to end the bad treatment of the ''untouchables''?

Mohandas Gandhi was the Indian civil rights leader who campaigned for the statues of the untouchables.

Why is Rosa parks considered the mother of the modern civil rights movement?

She was on a bus one day, sitting in the front. She was not supposed to, only whites are allowed in front. After being asked by the bus driver and other white folk. She was taken by police and arrested. This act of defiance marked an important event. She was important to the Civil Rights Movement. Showing that black people will not take bad treat meant any more.

How does the campaign for gay rights differ from prior civil rights campaigns?

The difference is that most of the opposition to gay rights believes being gay is a choice (and a bad one at that). No one in the racial civil rights era believed being Black was a choice.

What does it take to be a feminist?

Technically, all you have to do is identify as a feminist. At worst, you'd be a bad feminist (as opposed to not a real feminist) because feminism is a movement, not an organisation. To be a good feminist, you'd have to engage in women's rights advocacy or women's rights activism.

Who was the general of the good side f the civil war?

There was no "good side" in the civil war. There are no good or bad people. People just do what they think is best.

Good and bad things that happened during Reconstruction?

Good things during Reconstruction included the ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments, which granted citizenship and voting rights to African Americans. Bad things included the rise of discriminatory Jim Crow laws, violence against African Americans, and economic hardship in the South.

Is human rights good or bad thing?

Human rights is a good thing as long as you like being alive; being alive is the very essence of human rights.

Was apartheid good or bad?

Apartheid was bad because it violated human rights. That is why it was done away with.