The main reason people are asking about 2012 in particular has to do with a piece of Mayan mythology which even the ancient Mayans seem to have had the good sense not to take too seriously:
December 21 - The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, notably used by the Maya civilization among others of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, completes its thirteenth b'ak'tun, or minor numerical sub-cycle, since the calendar's mythical starting point (equivalent to August 11, 3114 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar, according to the "GMT correlation" JDN = 584283).
The Long Count B'ak'tun date of this starting point ( is repeated for the first time in a span of approximately 5,125 solar years. The significance of this period-ending to the pre-Columbian Maya themselves is unclear, and there is an incomplete inscription (Tortuguero Monument 6) that records this date. It is also to be found carved on the walls of the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque, where it functions as a base date from which other dates are computed. But the Maya certainly did not take it as representing the end of the current world, since an inscription by Pacal at Palenque looks forward to a royal anniversary on October 15, 4772.
Another event that will take place December 21st 2012 is something called the "Galactic Alignment", which is most likely the reason that the Mayan calendar ended at that time. The Galactic Alignment is the alignment between the Sun, the Earth, and the center of the Milky Way. Along with that, there is also the possibility of a pole shift, or the changing of north and south (i.e. the north pole becomes the south pole). See the related link.
The United Kingdom will host the Olympics. Other than that nothing is going to happen but a bunch of nut heads cowering in fear of a "myth planet" heading towards us.
Why everyone thinks that the world will end is because of the Mayan calender ends. It only ends because they're starting a new era. But all that it is is a new Maya era. So nothing is going to happen on December 21 2012
Know one knows whats going to happen in 2012. Only GOD knows whats gonna happen in 2012...Will life as we know it end,? you tell me. Well lets see what the bible says, I'm pretty sure it says he will come like a theft in the night. So I'm guessing that we won't know when the time is coming...thats why ppl need to be more aware about their existence and well bein and get right with GOD cause you never know it could be tomorrow...and for the non believers out there, I pray for you, I pray the god has mercy on could you not believe in GOD, I mean look at yourself in the mirror. There is no way anyone or anything, but GOD could make something like you.. the way we think, look, hear, see, smell, feel, the power of the mind...Think about it how? how in the world could you even begin to make a brain? the way it thinks the way it works? its crazy...i know some ppl thats just not enough belief for its plenty....thank you and GOD BLESS
it was said that the world was going to end, but many people believe that Christ will come on that day. In the Bible, it was said that there was going to be a rapture, a flood, and a fire. only '' Jehovah's Witnesses were going to be taken, and only 144,00 were going to be taken. some people might live to tell the story.
It is not going to happen. They say that all the time just to make money, First they say it on TV. "THE WORLD IS GONNA END". so they get a million view's. Then they make a movie so they get like $10000000 probably even more then they make a book then it dose not happen so they do it all over again i am not sure who they is or who
Your normal, everyday life. I know what your thinking, "Is the world going to end in 2012?". There is your answer
Well.. since Dec. 12, 2012 Friday, the sun will come up, kids and teens will wake up for school in the morning, they'll get ready, go to school, come back home, start they're weekend, the sun will go down, we'll go to sleep, it'll be midnight, then it'll be Dec. 13, 2012. Simple as that
EDIT2: relook your words, its December 21, 2012....which is a sunday. do your research son!!
people okay guess what Jesus Christ doesnt even know when hes coming down if ur christian don't worry bout a thing. Only the lord knows. Poeple who made up this rumor is stupid there ain't no body as good as the lord?
true but where does the lord dwell? INSIDE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US.
that said, what will happen in 2012 will go something like this:
Nibiru/Planet X will align between the earth and the sun causing massive solar storms & weather extremes.
(look this up on Nasa official website, type 2012 solar storms into search engine.)
Then the epitamy off all that is evil will once again try to take the world
The World Government will then activate a highly technological sattelite type gizmo which will turn the PLANET into a giant TV screen.
(research Project Blue Beam)
They will then proceed to feed the masses some complete BS about the earth being under attack from E.T's or the coming of the anti-christ or christ and try to offer the solace of camps where you can be taken and ''PROTECTED''.
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TONS of things! Babies will be born, some people will die, some places it'll rain while other places will be sunny, or snowy, or windy. People will laugh, cry, eat, sleep, all the usual stuff.
And then on December 13, 2012, we'll do it all again.
In short, we have no reason to think that 12/12/12 will be any different than 11/11/11 was.
The year of 2012 is said to be the year that the world will come to an end, with natural disasters, worldwide death and absolute destruction everywhere. This rumor has come about as the result of the ancient Mayan people. Because their calendar went no further than the year of 2012, the people of today's society have become greatly worried and confused, for fear that 2012 is perhaps the end of time. HOWEVER, such beliefs may soon be contradicted. The year of 2012 will most likely not be the end of the world... unless that is the year that Christ Jesus comes back to earth to bring all of the Christians in the world up to heaven, which then could result in worldwide destruction because of countless reasons. Why? Think about it: if a Christian was driving a car down the interstate by himself, and the Rapture occurred right at that very moment, he would immediately disappear from the car and be brought into heaven, leaving the car on the interstate to drive out of control. That is only one of the things that will happen to the earth when the Christians are brought into heaven with God.
Now, getting back on subject. So unless Christ comes back to the earth to take the Christians of the world back with him in the year of 2012, there is probably not going to be world destruction merely because of an ancient calendar, which arouses another question: why do people believe that 2012 is the end of the world if the Mayans had no way of knowing when the Savior would return to the earth. No one knows when He will return resulting in the Rapture except for Himself. I hope this will spark an "Aha!" in your mind.
So there you have it. There is the answer. NOW REMEMBER, the destruction that will affect the earth after the Rapture is not something I am going to live through, whether it happens to be in the year of 2012 or not. Why? Because I am a Christian. I gave my life to the Lord several years ago and am going to go to heaven. If you accept, you can to the same. :)
Well some claim that the Earth will be hit by Niburu or what they call 'Planet X.' Then others claim that all the planets will be hit together. But whatever happens I don't believe that it will happen. They don't know that it could not happen. If your scared, just pray to God. Because only God knows. And God won't let us know, because he loves us.
Lots of things!
It will be a leap year, and there will be a Presidential election campaign, culminating in an election on November 6, 2012. There will be a few good movies released, and a whole lot of stinkers at the box office.
There will be a total eclipse of the Sun on November 13 visible in parts of Australia, New Zealand, and places in South America.
There will be some good weather, some bad weather and some terrible weather.
Pretty much like ANY normal year.
One other thing; the world is very unlikely to end in 2012, because the Mayan calendar will restart.
The year itself is certainly expected to occur, a little more than a year and a half from now. If by "actually happen" you mean the "Mayan Calendar Doomsday" phnook that's been floating around, the answer is probably not. Though the Mayan "Long Count" calendar isn't specifically cyclical, their minor calendars most definitely are. The world obviously didn't end in the year 1000 CE or 2000 CE, as we measure time in the Western world, despite numerous predictions to the contrary; compare, if you can, the hubbub surrounding "Y2K", the predictions of societal collapse and global disaster.
The way we measure time is a completely human construct. People have been predicting the "end of the world" for millennia based upon the completely arbitrary way we keep track of time. Perhaps the most extreme modern example is the Jehova's Witnesses, who have predicted that the Apocalypse would occur in 1873, 1874, 1914-15, 1917-18, 1925, "the early 1940s", 1972, 1975, and "the early 1980s". They're by no means the only group to have held such beliefs, but they are perhaps the best known in America today.
"" has a pretty good rundown of various beliefs people have held over time concerning the end of the world, usually based, again, on the arbitrary system the particular culture used for measuring time.
Prediction is really hard, especially about the future. But here are some predictions that I GUARANTEE will happen.
1. Some days, it will rain.
2. Some days, it will be sunny.
3. The Sun will rise in the east, even if it is cloudy.
4. There will be 366 days in 2012.
5. The world will celebrate as some people win Olympic medals. Other people will lose.
6. Many people will be born. Not quite that many people will die.
7. In the USA, there will be a presidential election on November 6, 2012, and enough mud will be slung to create several new continents.
8. Precisely one week later, on November 13, 2012, there will be a total solar eclipse covering mostly the south Pacific Ocean. A small bit of northern Australia will be in the path of totality.
2012 will happen, as for the apocalypse in 2012 I don't know. :)
No, because in 2012 nothing is going to end or happen that is just a lie.
I have actually spoken to a mayan. 2012 will not be the end of the world first off. He said in 2012 there will be a change, but it will not be the end of the world. We do not exactly know what is going to happen on 2012. some people say world is going to end but some say it is not going to happen. The truth is if its really going to happen, before that particular incident happens several disastrous would take place. Hence if we are patient we would come to know the truth.
The Mayan calander ends on December 21, 2012, which happens to be the winter solstice. I have never heard that anything is going to happen on March 20 of that year. So I guess the answer is I don't know. Nothing happened in March 20 of 1912
it's highly doubtful. if you're worried about the Mayan calendar, they had a period of time that lasted 5,000 years (like we have centuries and millennia etc.) and this period of time stops in 2012, but a new one starts in 2013. don't worry about the apocalypse in 2012, there's as much chance of it ending then as there is right this second. :)
A apocalypse may happen but not in 2012.
Many believe there is no such thing. Many of those who do believe there is a coming apocalypse, believe it will happen on December 21, 2012.
2012 will happen, as for the apocalypse in 2012 I don't know. :)
No it is not. I believe the year 2012 will happen but not the apocalypse.
No it want happen in 2012, as nobody knows the day of Jesus second coming.
no, God said that he will come when we least expect it. That means that the world will not end in 2012 let alone the exact date! In 1999 they thought that we were going to go back to an ice age but did that happen? no. I thank ya... NOTE- the zombie apocalypse is much more likely than the world coming to an end
Chances are slim that December 21 2012 would be the actual day a zombie apocalypse would happen.
OK, sorry to burst your bubble here, but i don't think a zombie apocalypse is going to happen anytime soon.
2012........ Just kidding, we may never know.