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Q: Is the Statue of Liberty in Jersey city?
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Is the Statue of Liberty located in New york or New Jersey?

The statue of liberty is located in New York City,in the bay of New York City.

What is a misconceptions?

One common one is that the Statue of Liberty is in New York. It is actually in the city limits of Jersey City, New Jersey.

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Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island New York, closest city is New Jersey

What city can you see from the top of the Statue of Liberty?

You can see New York City and you also can see Jersey City.

Which city is the Statue of Liberty in?

The Statue of Liberty is not within any city limits, it's on Liberty Island in Upper New York Bay. New York and New Jersey share jurisdiction over the island.

What is a common misconception?

One common one is that the Statue of Liberty is in New York. It is actually in the city limits of Jersey City, New Jersey.

What city has the Eiffel tower the great sphinx and the Statue of liberty?

Paris, cairo, and New Jersey

What state would you find the Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty is actually within the boundaries of the State of New Jersey. It is within sight of New York city, but the New Jersey State Line goes around Liberty island. Sorry, New York.

What is full address of statue of liberty in NJ?

1 Audrey Zapp Drive Jersey City, NJ

Why is the Statue of Liberty in New Jersey and why do people say that it is in New York City?

The Statue of Liberty is not in New Jersey. This is misinformation. New York and New Jersey share jurisdiction over the island. Although the island is on the New Jersey side of the state line, the part that lies above sea level belongs to New York, while the part that is submerged belongs to New Jersey. See the Related Link below for more information about the controversy between New York and New Jersey over Liberty Island. People consider the Statue of Liberty to be part of New York City because 1) the statue itself is (for obvious reasons) located on the part of Liberty Island that is above sea level, ergo, the statue is in New York City, or 2) they are simply unaware that New Jersey owns the submerged portion.

What is the Statue of Liberty's address?

New Jersey

Where is the Statue of Librerty in New York City located?

The statue sits in New York Harbor on Liberty Island between lower Manhattan and New Jersey.