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NO. PR China is a Communist Dictatorship. Specifically, it is a LENINIST COMMUNIST STATE. Leninist Communism is the political theory that a single party called the Communist Party rules the government and governs all affairs as opposed to individual politicians. Although the single party in a Leninist Communist State is the Communist Party, the party need not practice Communist political theory. In both China and Vietnam, there is a state-directed, right-wing economic and political theory.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

The Peoples Republic of China is a one party communist nation. Certain rights exist with regard to the economy and persons associated with it, however the nation remains a one party system and few democratic rights are available to its citizens.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The People's Republic of China is not a democracy but a communist government.

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