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For some people, possibly, but for most not.

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Q: Is the Holocaust the defining event of the 20th century?
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What century was the Holocaust in?

betwee 1939-1945, so 20th cenury or nineteen hundreds.

Which of the event did not happen in the 20th century?

The first Kodak camera

A First man to walk on the moon Which of these events did NOT happen in the 20th century?

Since the moon walk of Apollo 11 took place in 1969, and that was part of the 20th century, it is *not* an event that did *not* take place in the 20th century.

What event in the 20th century not 21st has had the biggest impact on the world in which you live in today?

The end of British rule in the Indian sub continent and the emergence of India and Pakistan as independent states was the most important event in this part of the region in the 20th century.

What was black magic in the Holocaust?

Black Magic has nothing to do with the Holocaust unless you still act if you were still in the time period of witch hunts and you actually believed in Black Magic in the 20th Century.

Germany's Holocaust how similar is it to apartheid?

Not at all. If you are looking for a comparison with apartheid; you could look at the US treatment of Orientals from the end of the ninteenth century. If you are looking for a comparison to the Holocaust of WW2 Germany, you could look at the US treatment of Native Americans from the 17th century into the 20th century.

What is the worst disaster of the 20th century?

The Holocaust is considered one of the worst disasters of the 20th century, where millions of Jews and other minorities were systematically persecuted and killed by the Nazi regime during World War II. It resulted in the loss of millions of lives and had a profound impact on the course of history.

What century 1984?

20th century

What centry did the Holocaust start?

The 20th.

When was jazz originated?

in the 20th century in the 20th century

What century is 1966?

1966 was in the 20th century.

What three important event happened in the 20th century?

Women's Right to Vote, World War II, and the end of segregation.