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No. egyptian civilisation's period is around 3500 bc but while indus valley civilisation dates back to 5000 bc.and by the discovery of mehrgarh a city in indus valley civilisation dates back to 7000 bc,but this theory is not been confirmed(some say this has no relation with indus valley civilisation) so research is going on.. so before the research is completed we can say that indus valley civilisation is the oldest civilisation in the world and probably the fist and the most urban they have built the first planned cities in the world harappa and mohenjadaro,with perfect roads,swimming pool,houses with burnt bricks with 3 storey building and they have set the first drainage system in the world connecting even the samallest and the most cornered house on the city,instead of unplanned roads and houses and a messed up settlement in Egypt and mesoppotamia they built a great city,when england got a drainage system in 1500 ad indus valley civilisation people set up a perfect drainage system in 5000 bc.when world did not know how to built a road they built a planned city with shops and a great bath(a swimming pool which is public propery,where people used to take bath in a festival or an occasion ,dirty water was taken away and fresh water was filled due to perfect drainage system).they had their own gods and a writing system,this writing system is not fully deciphered .they have used coppoer and bronze vessles as their currency and for making dols and statues.archaeologist are trying to understand more about their life.

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Q: Is the Egyptian civilization older than Indus valley civilization?
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