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Q: Is south Korea allies with the US or enemy of the US?
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What side of Korea is Allies with the US?

South Korea

Has South Korea fought the US?

No, the U.S. and South Korea were allies against North Kores.

What will the us do against South Korea?

Nothing. There our Allies

Who became allies with the US?

Europe north or south Korea

Who were the US allies in Korean War?

UK, Turkey, Australia, South Korea had the most troops

Is north Korea America's enemy or south Korea?

Technically, North Korea isn't our enemy... they just hate us, and the feeling is generally mutual. South Korea on the other hand, is our close ally. America and South Korea even conduct routine military training operations in South Korea.

Was the us fighting north or south Korea?

The US was part of a United Nations force fighting North Korea and its allies.

Who were the US allies during the Korean war?

south Korea, united nations, Australia

When will war world 3 happen?

Another answer:Well, today, November, 23, 2010, it just happened. North Korea attacked South Korea. We are allies with South Korea, BUT North Korea are allies with China, and they hate us. Where home is, war will be.

Was south Korea allies with US in Vietnam war?

Yes, Republic of South Korean Servicemen fighting in Vietnam were referred to as ROK's...the ROK Army (Republic of South Korea).

What is the current as of 2009 relationship between the US and South Korea?

The two countries are still allies.

What is the current (as of 2009) relationship between the US and South Korea?

The two countries are still allies.