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plural, it means are in they are

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Q: Is sont feminine or masculine or plural?
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Related questions

How is sont in French spelled in English?

'sont' is the third person plural for the verb "être", 'to be'. Ils sont, elles sont mean 'they are' (masculine then feminine version)

What does elles sont mean in English?

It means "They are" -- feminine. Masculine would be "Ils sont"

What is the plural of is in French?

It depends on the context. we are ----------------> nous sommes you (all) are ----------> vous etes they are (masculine)-->ils sont they are (feminine) --->elle sont This is of course only the plural present tense. To see all forms of the verb see link.

What is the French word for the English word 'are'?

sont ie. ils sont, elles sont = "they are" masculine and feminine pronouns respectively

What does ils sont mean?

ils sont = they are Note: "ils" is masculine of 'they"; "elles" is the feminine of "they".

How do you spell finished in french?

'terminé, terminée'fini (masculine singular)finis (masculine plural)finie (feminine singular)finies (feminine plural)orterminé (masculine singular)terminés (masculine plural)terminée (feminine singular)terminées (feminine plural)

Is sont feminine or masculine in french?

The word "son" is masculine in French. It means "his" or "her" when used with a noun.

What is the equivalnt of 'the' in Portuguese?

The equivalent of 'the' in Portuguese is 'o' (masculine) or 'a' (feminine), depending on the gender of the noun. In plural form, it is 'os' (masculine) or 'as' (feminine).

French word for are?

It depends on the subject. YOU (informal) are = "TU es" YOU (formal) are = "VOUS êtes" WE are = "NOUS sommes" THEY (all feminine) are = "ELLES sont" THEY (all masculine or mixed masculine and feminine) are = "ILS sont"

Is suede masculine feminine or plural?


How do you say Argentinean in Spanish?

Argentino (masculine), Argentina (feminine), Argentinos (plural masculine), Argentinas (plural feminine).

What is beatiful in French?

"Beautiful" in French is "beau" for masculine singular, "belle" for feminine singular, "beaux" for masculine plural, and "belles" for feminine plural.