smoking weed
by bribes and smoking weed with citizens.
If you start smoking weed on a regular and frequent basis, than you know you're in bad shape. Also when you start enjoying all kinds of things only when you're high, and you spent a good deal of your time thinking about smoking it, you should consider quitting.
There is no "Where" on the black market. The most effective way to find a marijuana dealer: find somebody who is young and smoking a cigarette. Have a cigarette with him and bring up "do you smoke anything else" (i find that in the usa most young people who smoke cigarettes also smoke weed) if he does smoke weed he probably knows where to buy it, ask if you can get a number.
You smoke my weed!
Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.
Yes !! it's from the earth
you stop smoking it :L from cammy
Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed
mybe your high now that's why you cant make a sentence
i would advise against it..
You shouldn't in the first place.
any smoking while pregnant is terrible. im all for weed but if your pregnant its a bad idea
Weed, unlike LSD, is not known to cause flashbacks. You are only high while smoking it, not 3 days later.
no, smoke weed you phene
weed doesn't prevent pregnancy. condoms and birth control do.