can u tell me something abt this
bhim rao ambedkar fought against the hindu caste rules for the dalits or the untochables
no dahiya are pure jatts dahiya badsah. dahiya,s are rajputs
Yes,pundir are real rajputs.
Jaiswar is a kshatriya caste belonging to chandravanshi bhati rajputs. Their gotra is ATTRI. Kuldevi is goddess Mahalakshmi. Bhati dynasty ruled the city of Jaisalmer till 1949. The major opponents of the Bhati Rajputs were the Rathor clans of Jodhpur and Bikaner. Jaiswars now use titles like Jasa, Jaisa, Jais, Jaiswara, Jaiswar and Jaiswal.
both are rajputs with different histories, so we can't say anything
Dahri is a caste in the sindh .these are actually smats; this comes from the Rajputs and they are from Chandervancy Rajputs, and also comes from the Yadovancy Rajputs. there are many branches of Dahri's as Togachi, etc
yes they are rajput but they separated from rajputs in seens 500 year ago and orgnized with only Raja or maharaja they treat them how to rule or orgnizid there emperior
Surly higher caste
Jatt Caste of Sikhs
kashyap rajput are not lower caste ok
yes it is a sub caste of rajputs...
Rana are rajputs (kshtrie) Thakhur is a upper caste
Not all Hindus are called Rajputs. Rajput is a sub-caste of Hindu.
no not all rajputs. But some of them do come under SC caste. This doesn't means that they are lower caste. They are kshatriyas and one of the 'chattis rajkula' (36 Royal families).
janjua is not jutt they are rajputs