Prayer is not bad. In fact it is very good. When everything seems bad in your life, you have hope through your faith in your God. So in turn we can pray to him for help and he will help us if we believe in Him. It is written in scriptures that, " it is better to trust God than to put confidence in man". That means as we pray to God, we can trust Him in all things. Because man will always stear you in the wrong path, but God will never do that. It is said that he is closer than a brother.
Prayer is not bad, rather it is simply a wonderful way to talk to God. Prayer is expressing your honest thoughts, concerns, thankfulness to Him. History is full of famous people who have prayed to thank God, ask Him questions, etc. God says, "call on me and I will answer you".
A prayer is truly an affirmation which is proclaimed with faith and it is therefore not bad. The bad part is whenever people confuse a prayer with a petition, a blessing and a Thanksgiving. There are many people who make heart wrenching petitions, pleas and appeals crying/wailing/moaning with the fettered hope that a Divine Force will eventually come to their aid. The fundamental difference between a prayer and a petition is that a prayer is a loving interaction between two beloveds and a petition is a supplication before an administrative authority. A prayer is good when it actually produces timely, desirable and righteous results. If a prayer does not produce timely results then it is being done wrong and as a result it is an absolute waste of time.
I believe they do. It is human nature that opposits attract. Good girls are attracted to the bad boys who turn into the bad husbands. I'm a good wife who has (soon to be HAD) a bad husband. But what contitues a bad husband? Is their a scale from 1-10? How bad is bad? Good is good there is no scale for good. But bad is another story.
Without lawyers, there would be NO court system. Without a court system, there would be NO justice. There are good lawyers and bad lawyers, good doctors and bad doctors, good policemen and bad policemen, good teachers and bad teachers, good construction workers and bad construction workers, etc.
they were bad.
depends, it can be good or it can be bad and also it depends on where the person is migrating to.
A good version of a formal prayer is the Lord's prayer
yes it is you noutghty person
You can pray to God about anything at anytime. He always listens no matter where you're at or what you're doing. So any prayer is a good prayer.
Only by prayer.
There are no good prayers to the devil.
Christian keep lent by prayer, good deeds and fasting and giving up a habbit.
Livin' on a prayer and You give love a bad name. Also Wanted: Dead or alive. Another good one is Blaze of glory.
Huck thinks about religion because it is ingrained in the society he lives in, but he questions its teachings because they conflict with his own experiences. He contemplates the concepts of the "good place" and the "bad place" because he is struggling to understand the morality behind societal norms. Prayer is on his mind as he grapples with his conscience and seeks guidance in the tumultuous situations he finds himself in.
A person may need to say a prayer before taking a social studies class, if they are not good in the subject. A prayer may include hopes for good grades and easy homework.
Lincoln had a good one.
Prayer for a Good Day - 2004 was released on: USA: January 2004 (Sundance Film Festival)
Generally people who act and treat others well are treated well by others.That is not to say that good things happen to them more than people who are less pleasant. Misfortune happens to the good, bad and the indifferent in equal measure. As does good fortune.