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Yes, they do have a manditory military serivice in Chile

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Q: Is military service mandatory in Chile?
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Now is not mandatory.

Does Oman have mandatory Military service?

No, it does not.

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Is one required to enlist in the military?

In most countries, enlisting in the military is not mandatory. However, there are countries with mandatory military service laws that require all eligible citizens to serve in the military for a specified period. It's important to check the requirements and laws of your specific country to understand if military service is mandatory or voluntary.

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Military involvement is mandatory in Mexico for all 18 year-old males.

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What is another term for the draft?

In other countries it is called conscription, or mandatory military service.

Did the roman empire have mandatory military service?

No it did not. The soldiers joined voluntarily and the army was professional.

What age is military service mandatory in Sweden?

18 Years old.

When did mandatory selective service end?

While a form of Selective Service registration remains a requirement in the United States for males reaching the age of 18, the draft (actually mandatory military service) ended in the US in 1973.

What is the claim from Mandatory Service To Become an Adult?

The claim from Mandatory Service To Become an Adult is that young people should be required to serve in some capacity, such as military or community service, in order to gain perspective and maturity as they transition into adulthood.

What is the definition of conscription?

conscription is the mandatory military service for both the people that are chosen in the death lottery and in the army.