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Q: Is it true the pharaoh Ramses the great fought the Hittites for many years but neither could defeat each other?
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What Pharaoh fought the hittities for many years but neither could defeat the other?


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Who defeat Ramses?

Ramses never actually defeated anyone. In the war between the Hittites and The New Kingdom of Egypt in Asia Minor neither empire could be defeated or defeat. If you would like proof of it look in any given history book with egyptians in it...

Which group of invaders did the Ramses the great defeat?

He defeated the Hittites a group from the Asia Minor.

Which group of invaders Ramses the great defeat?

He defeated the Hittites a group from the Asia Minor.

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Ramses never actually defeated anyone. In the war between the Hittites and The New Kingdom of Egypt in Asia Minor neither empire could be defeated or defeat. If you would like proof of it look in any given history book with egyptians in it...

Whom did Ramses the great not defeat?

He can't defeat the God of Israel.

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The group of invaders that Ramses defeat was Tehenu, but they invaded Egypt again in a century later.

Which group of invadors did Ramses the great defeat?


Why was Egypt vulnerable to attack from the Hittites?

At that point in Egyptian history, Egypt did not yet have the chariot and therefore had no way to defeat the Hittites and Hyksos who used chariots in warfare.

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