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Q: Is it true the United States conflict between protestants and Irish Catholic immigrants resulted in much violence?
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The great schism resulted from a conflict between?

The great schism resulted from a conflict between the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches.

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Which conflict resulted in the loss of political power for the Catholic Church?

Wingardium Leviosa caused the Kings to fall and corruption began due to the loss of political power by the Catholic Church.

A protestant reformantion resulted in?

The Protestant Reformation resulted in rivalries among west European nations. This resulted in wars between the Protestants and the Catholics.

What factors resulted in religious conflict in Eastern Europe?

The Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire (current day France, Italy, Netherlands and others) were tired of prosecution in the Catholic church and decided to break away. In the 1700s, this caused alliances to form between the Protestant nations and the Catholic nations. France, Spain, Austria, and some German states were a Catholic alliance were United Provinces, Prussia, England and Sweden and other German states often were allied in a Protestant alliance.

What conflict resulted in the peloponnesian war?

The Peloponnesian war resulted from conflict between the democratic Athens and oligarchic Sparta. This war wrought subtler changes to the Greek society.

Which resulted in immigrants being forced to leave areas they settled in?

All of the above

Which resulted in immigrants being forced to leave areas are settled?

All of the above. (APEX)

The peloponnesian war resulted from conflict between who?

The Peloponnesian War was a conflict between the two city-states of Athens and Sparta .

The Persian war resulted in conflict between?

Persia and the Greek city-states.

Conflict between athens and sparta resulted in the?

. . . the Peloponnesian War .

What is sichism?

The schism in the Catholic Church occurred in 1056 AD. The split resulted in the formation of the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.