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No, it just made it harder to create new slave-states anywhere.

You may be thinking of the Emancipation Proclamation, issued in mid-war, which outlawed slavery in the rebel states, but allowed it to continue in the four states of the Upper South that had remained loyal.

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Q: Is it true that the compromise of 1850 eliminted slavery only in the south?
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The Missouri Compromise postponed the issue of slavery.

Which compromise outlawed slavery south of missouris southern border?

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Was the compromise of 1850 eliminated slavery only in the south?

Slavery wasn’t eliminated and won’t be until 1867 with the 13th amendment.

What was the compromise of 1950?

There is not a Compromise of 1950 but there is a Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 consists of five laws passed in September of 1850 that dealt with the issue of slavery.

Where did the compromise of 1850 abolish slavery?

It abolished slavery in Texas.

How do you write an essay about slavery but use Missouri compromise and compromise of 1850?

well you can say that the Missouri compromise allowed south to have slavery but north couldn't and then all went well until the compromise of 1850 when California got permitted as a free state south got mad and the civil war began. I'm writing a report on this too but includes more.

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it caused slavery to expand in to the north.

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Did the compromise of 1850 resolved the slavery issue?

yes or no

Do you thnk the compromise of 1850 was a good solution explain your answer?

I think the compromise of 1850 was a good solution because slavery is just wrong.

In what state did The Compromise of 1850 abolished slavery?

The Compromise of 1850 abolished slavery in the state of Washington DC. It also allowed California to become part of the union as a slave free state.