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Hwy sure they lived near PA they must have some developement there.

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Q: Is it true that puritans lived in Delaware?
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Where did people live in the Delaware colony?

the people that lived in Delaware were puritans (not true)

What did puritans live in?

the puritans lived in America , Massachusetts bay colony .

Which European group settled near the Delaware River in 1614?

The Puritans

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The native Americans who lived in Delaware were?

Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians

Native Americans that lived in Delaware?

There were three groups of Native Americans that lived in Delaware. These groups were the Unami, the Munsee, and the Unalachtigo.

True or false puritans admired the teaching of Calvinism?

true the answer is true

Is there a president that grow up in Delaware?

NO. No US president ever lived in Delaware.

If you lived in the Massachusetts bay colony what religion did you follow?

they were Puritans.

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Who are the Native Americans who lived in Delaware?

They were Indians