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Tradition states that Abraham founded Judaism in the 18th century BCE.

Abraham was gifted with high intelligence; and, as Maimonides (1135-1204) describes, Abraham didn't blindly accept the ubiquitous idolatry. The whole populace had been duped, but the young Abraham contemplated the matter relentlessly, finally arriving at the conclusion that there is One God and that this should be taught to others as well. This is what is meant by his "calling out in the name of the Lord" (Genesis ch.12). As a young man, he remonstrated with passersby in public, demonstrating to them the falsehood of their idols; and our tradition tells how he was threatened and endangered by Nimrod.
Subsequently, Terah relocated to Harran; and it is here that Abraham began to develop a circle of disciples (Rashi commentary, on Genesis 12:5). Later, God told Abraham in prophecy to move to the Holy Land, which is where he raised his family. He continued his contemplations, eventually arriving at the attitudes and forms of behavior which God later incorporated into the Torah given to Moses.
Abraham became the greatest thinker of all time. His originality, perseverance, strength of conviction, and influence, cannot be overestimated.
He founded the Jewish people and lived to see his work live on in the persons of Isaac and Jacob; and he taught many other disciples (Talmud, Yoma 28b).
Abraham entered into a covenant with God (Genesis ch.15 and 17), welcomed guests into his home (Genesis ch.18) unlike the inhospitable Sodomites (Genesis ch.19), prayed for people (Genesis ch.18), eulogized and buried the deceased (Genesis ch.23), and fulfilled God's will unquestioningly (Genesis ch.22). He became renowned as a prince of God (Genesis 23:6).
The practices of Abraham were based upon the ways of God. These were the teachings of Abraham and his descendants (unlike idolatry, which had no moral character; with worship of the gods accompanied by things such as human sacrifice, "sacred" prostitution, and animal worship). It is therefore clear why God expresses His love for Abraham (Isaiah 41:8) and calls Himself the God of Abraham (Genesis 26:24), and says that Abraham obeyed Him fully (Genesis 26:5).
The gravesite of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives (Genesis 49:29-32) is located in Hebron and has been known and attested to for many centuries.

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Tradition states that Abraham founded Judaism in the 18th century BCE.See the Related Links.

Link: The founding of Judaism

Link: The earliest monotheism

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What is the oldest abrahamic religion?

The three major abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Judaism and Islam both claim to be as old as creation. Of course, at most only one of these claims could be true, and that would be the oldest religion in the world. More practically, Judaism is by far the oldest of the three religions. Many Jews believe that Judaism was founded by Abraham over 4,000 years ago. Even biblical scholars say that Judaism, as we know it today, had its origins in the middle of the first millennium BCE - long before the start of Christianity and Islam.

How did Christianity rise out of Egypt and was founded by moses had it roots in roman polytheism?

Christianity came out from Judaism. Judaism is estimated to have started over 350 years before Moses was even born, and 230 years before the Israelite nation settled in Egypt. The Roman civilization did not exist until at least 500 years after Moses lead the Israelite nation out of Egypt, and the Romans did not become until nearly 750 years after this. Christianity is not a polytheistic belief, they believe that there is only one true God, Yahweh, the same single God that both Abraham and Moses worshiped. The Christian belief about is that within the one God exists three distinct equally divine persons, each being eternal. This is not three Gods but one, the Father from whom came the Son and comes the Holy Spirit, through the Son.

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No, true vampires do not exist any more than Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny exist. Some people claim to be vampires, and they do drink blood, but, contrary to the supposed "true vampires", they will not die if they don't, and sun does not burn their skin on contact! The vampires hang out at the tanning salon.

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