

Is it true that Hitler was in fact part Jewish?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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13y ago

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yes, i believe so... he had Jewish ancestors, but ironically he hated Jews.

No, though it seems to amuse people to think so.

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Q: Is it true that Hitler was in fact part Jewish?
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Yes. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jewish people. This is a true fact. He created a massive network of death camps, concentration, camps, work camps, and ghettos designed for systematic elimination of the Jews and other Undesirables.

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No, that is just a myth, Hitler was not Jewish.AnswerNot necessarily true. Even Hitler didn't know for sure; he suspected that he had Jewish blood. His father's birth was recorded as illegitimate; his father's mother had left her job as a housekeeper in a Jewish household because she was pregnant with Hitler's father. As in many things, Hitler did not feel the need to comply with the strict rules for Nazi membership for showing proof of non-Jewish ancestry. He simply avoided any scrutiny of his ancestry.

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Well, there were rumors a geneologist concluded. He apparently traced Hitler's family tree to a name that stunned people. The name was Salmon ((a Jewish name)). And so there was a building that could prove that Hitler was indeed part Jewish, Hitler burned it to the ground in case the rumor was true (( and if it turned out to be true, just imagine how his power would die slowly and someone else would take control, and for being Jewish, HE would have to go to a concentrion camp!))There is indeed another rumor in which he hated Jewish people because he had a Jewish wife who had left him for another Jew. ((The first rumor was on the History Channel and the second is known in certain books))

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No, Hitler was definitely not a Jew.AnswerNot necessarily true. Even Hitler didn't know for sure; he suspected that he had Jewish blood. His father's birth was recorded as illegitimate; his father's mother had left her job as a housekeeper in a Jewish household because she was pregnant with Hitler's father. As in many things, Hitler did not feel the need to comply with the strict rules for Nazi membership for showing proof of non-Jewish ancestry. He simply avoided any scrutiny of his ancestry.

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True is an adjective since it describes a noun, like a true fact.

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A part in history or previous conflict that is proven to be true

Why was Bruckner considered the archetypal artistic figure for the nsdap?

That is a loaded question, somewhat akin to asking "do you still beat your wife". It is true that Hitler considered Bruckner a paradigm of Germanic music and a figure who embodied true "Aryan" ideals. However, Bruckner was a deeply religious and humble man with no ties to antisemitism and was a teacher and close friend to Gustav Mahler and other Jewish musicians. In fact, unlike Wagner, orchestras in Israel have never banned Bruckner despite Hitler's admiration for him (and the fact that the Adagio from the Seventh Symphony was played on German radio - at Hitler's request - after Hitler's death). Its the same now as it was in Nazi Germany: politicians and demagogues can twist anything to support their own warped ideals!

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Yes, it is true.

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There are two different books entitled, Surviving Hitler.These are ;Surviving Hitler : A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps which has 160 pages ( paperback ) and Surviving Hitler : The unlikely true story of an SS Soldier and a Jewish Woman which has 277 pages ( hardcover ).

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For true Nazis 'follow-the-leader' was the highest virtue. "Fuhrer command! We will follow [obey]", they screamed ecstatically at him, and they followed him all the way to the bottom of the abyss.