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Q: Is it true that Athens had so much farmland that it was able to export grain to other places in greek times?
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Why did Joseph Stalin confiscate grain?

Joseph Stalin confiscated grain in order to export as much grain as possible to get as much international trade credit as he possibly could. This income would then fuel his plan to industrialize Russia under his Five Year Plans. Grain was also confiscated grain from the peasants to feed his factory workers. In other cases grain was taken from the peasants in order to starve them into complying with his collective farmland system. He met no resistance in that other communists were to fearful of opposing Stalin. His control of the military prevented any generals from helping peasants as well.

Why did City-states in Mesopotamia fight over farmland?

Land meant grain which could be sold for money.

What is the exports of ancient Egypt?


What roles did Athens and Sparta play in the Peloponnesian War?

Athens was the maritime power and Sparta was the continental power. The war slogged on and off for over thirty years until Sparta finally gained superiority at sea, and a plague brought in form the Pontic grain ships killed possibly as many as one-third of the population of Athens, leaving it, almost literally, too weak to fight.

How did Cleopatra help Egypt get out of debt?

Cleopatra helped get Egypt out of debt by taxes, taxes, taxes! She raised the export/import taxes and raised the personal taxes of the wealthy. She also had access to all the profits from the papyrus trade and took a royal share of the grain export. She was able to exploit Egypt's wealth to free the country from debt.

Related questions

Did Athens have so much farmland that they were able to export grain to other places?


Athens had so much farmland that it is able to export grain to other places?

This is FALSE. Athens did not have enough farmland to grow crops for all of its people.

Why did Solon ban the export of grain?

Solon banned the export of grains because he felt it was unfair to be selling it off when many of the people in Athens were going on with little food, so he would have rathered it stay in Athens to give them a fair chance at getting food. Or so I've read :)

What did the ancient Greeks do when they did not have enough farmland to feed themselves?

Depends on the city-state. Most city-states (predominantly Athens) were engaged in trade with places from all over the world to keep a supply of grain and other supplies. Others, like Sparta, conquered other lands and got food from them.

Why did Athens have to import grain from other places?

Greece is basically a country of mountains and forests, certainly in the times of ancient Athens. There was simply not enough arable soil around Athens to feed its many citizens.

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Why did Joseph Stalin confiscate grain?

Joseph Stalin confiscated grain in order to export as much grain as possible to get as much international trade credit as he possibly could. This income would then fuel his plan to industrialize Russia under his Five Year Plans. Grain was also confiscated grain from the peasants to feed his factory workers. In other cases grain was taken from the peasants in order to starve them into complying with his collective farmland system. He met no resistance in that other communists were to fearful of opposing Stalin. His control of the military prevented any generals from helping peasants as well.

What items the US export in the late 19th century?

Grain- or Automobiles