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Q: Is it true most of ancient Chinese history took place in outer china?
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What is so impressive about The Great Wall of China?

It is a man made structure One of the seven wonders of the world Part of the Ancient Chinese History You can see it even outside the outer space It took like 10 years to build Keep the barbarians from invading China

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they are people from outer space

What are the main similarities of ancient inner and outer china.?

can someone please tell me?

In ancient China workshops burial grounds and homes of workers were usually located where?

in the outer ditrict of cities.(:

In ancient China workshops burial grounds and homes of workers were usually located .?

in the outer ditrict of cities.(:

Where is china's largest country?

China is a country but it does own Inner Mongolia which is quite big. Outer Mongolia is too far away and too rough for the Chinese to bother with it.

N ancient China workshops burial grounds and homes of workers were usually located?

in the outer district of cities

Did most of the historical events of ancient China take place in inner or outer China?

most happened in inner china because most of the people were trapped in inner china because the geography kept them isolated

What were the most important events that happened in Chinese history?

Ancient China's been around longer than the pyramids. For a history of that country, it's best to refer to the website on China. The only interest to western military historians concerning China was their defense systems, such as the "Great Wall of China", and their wars concerning the building of that wall. Which involved fighting the Mongols and associated Barbarians. Those were earth shaking events...that wall can be seen from outer space!

What the history about the outer planets?

What the history about the outer planets?

In ancient times why did more people settle in Inner China than in Outer China?

There was more water and rain in the Inner China. It was easier to grow food. The climate made more people prefer living in the south.

Why is Mongolia called outer Mongolia?

We call them in that way because by the time the Mongolia divided into Chinese inner Mongolia(colon of China) and Republic of Mongolia(independent) the one Mongolia was innerly located and the outer Mongolia was in the outer direction!!So to separate them we call it one outer and inner by their location.