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Q: Is it true Egypt built trading centers and forts in Nubia?
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Egypt built trading centers and forts in Nubia?

Yes, they put up them to protect its trade routes in Nubia.

Where was abul simbel built?

In Nubia, Egypt.

Which countries do Nubian people live in?

In the the south of modern day Egypt and north of modern day Sudan. Majority of nubia is in Sudan, and much of nubia has been lost to dams such as the Aswan damn built by Egypt.

What happened to the land of Nubia?

Nubia was a desert region and ancient kingdom in the valley. Much of the region was flooded when the Aswan dam was built.

Who Built Temples in Egypt?

workers in Egypt

Is the lighthouse of Alexandria Egyptian?

It was built in Ptolemaic Egypt, which was Egypt conquered by Greeks. So it's in Egypt, but it was built by Greek conquerors.

When was the Pyramids of Egypt built?

The pyramids of Egypt were built by different pharaohs during the Forth Dynasty

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No Egypt is built around The Nile River

What is the site of the largest pyramids built in Egypt?

Giza is the site of the largest pyramids built in Egypt.

What is the name of the trading post built by St. Denis on the red river?

Natchitoches was the name of the trading post built by St. Denis.

Where was Khafre's Pyramid built?

It was built in Giza, Egypt.

Did africans built the sphinx?

Yes, it was built in Egypt.