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Q: Is it trueThe flooding of the Indus River Valley created empty and deserted lands.?
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What river valley is dangerous to live?

Tennessee river

How many soldiers died at Valley Forge and how many deserted?

48734 died, and 3 deserted, including George Washington's nephew, whom he later shot by firing squad.

How was Rutland water made?

Rutland Water was created by building a dam across the Gwash Valley in the late 1970s. This dam created a large reservoir by flooding the valley, which is now Rutland Water. It was constructed primarily for water supply, flood control, and leisure activities.

How did the TVA improve conditions in Tennessee River Valley?

C0ntrol flooding

Is the Indus river a consistent or inconsistent flooding river valley?

lakes and rivers

A sentence for frenzy?

Example sentence - They were worked into such a frenzy over the flooding of the valley.

How were the floods of the Nile valley different from and similar to Mesopotamia?

The Nile valley relates to the Nile River and Mesopotamia is a great landmass and therefore cannot be compared.

How many men deserted Valley Forge?

Look it up. just kidding. go to youll find it there(:

What program aimed to control flooding by building dams along the Tennessee river?

the Tennessee Valley Authority

When was In the Valley created?

In the Valley was created in 1890.

Which contributed most to the decline of the indus river valley civilization?

Waves of migration

Did the benefits of the Nile River valley include flooding and fertile soil?

Yes. That is why the Egyptians settled around the river, because of the rich soil it provided from the flooding.