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The chances are pretty good. Humans are not smart enough to stay out of war for more than a decade. We are actually on the verge of World War III right now. In the Middle East, all of the Arab countries (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Palistine, Egypt, Afganistan, Etc.) are all angry that the Allies gave the Jews their own country. Israelis invaded a few parts of Palistine in the early 2000s. The coalition forces (United States and Europe) have soldiers in all of these countries to try and keep peace but in reality they are causing more problems. I predict that the Arab Nations will attack Israel, the coalition forces will declare war on the Arab Nations, and then new alliances are created ,with countries such as China and Korea, an then the majority of the world will be at war. The war will end with the launching of the world's nuclear weapons and ultimately destroy humanity to the point where only small populations remain and humanity will have to rebuild in a radioactive wasteland.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Yes as long as their are Leaders like Castro, Stalin, Kim Jong II, and Hitler... There will always be a chance of having another World War. In lots of scriptures like Nostradamus they Predict that their will be a Third World War in the 20th Century. Predictions are not always correct or true but there are a Ton of them saying WW3 will happen. With things happening so fast as they are now, like America in Trillions of dollars in debt, Countries like Iraq, Iran, and North Korea always wanting more, and other countries fearing that they will be attacked and will do everything and anything to defend the safety of their country. I personally believe yes their will be another World War cause whats a quick way of getting out of debt? Getting more land? Countries who fear something like a nuclear attack will happen to them so they will react first out of fear and use a Nuclear bomb first causing all other countries to activate and fire their Nukes as well because once one nuke is fired it's a chain reaction everyone will use theirs out of fear. To answer your question Yes there will always and undoublty be another chance of another World War.

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11y ago

I highly doubt in our life time, but it is possible in the future, with all the financial problems going on in Europe and all the enemies America has. Not to mention the death of Osama Bin Laden could trigger something and not only that, but the evolution of weapons technology in the world.

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15y ago


The reasons are far too vast to list, however. It probably is possible for a World War 3 to break out, although highly unlikely at the moment, because of where we stand with each-other countries. The effects of a World War 3 would be devastating, with all the nuclear weapons created, remembering that the atomic bomb at Hiroshima was just a small one, but to answer the question, it's possible but highly unlikely.

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10y ago

I feel the probability is relatively high, and in fact the Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists sets their "Doomsday Clock " at '5 minutes to midnight,' this week ( 12 May,2014) the highest level since the early '90 s . ( But nowhere near the levels of the '60's and early '70's.)However, the fact that unstable countries like North Korea,Pakistan and possibly Iran now have nuclear weapons is a sobering thought. the potential for nuclear weapons use in regional conflicts in the Middle East, Northeast Asia, and South Asia are alarming.

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15y ago

I think that North Korea and China will become allies and will start a war against the U.S., Russia and the U.K. That will be WWIII

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9y ago

Most people believe so, and it may happen very soon because a lot of countries, including the USA, are in war.

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14y ago

Yes... As long as there are humans on this planet a world war is possible.

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Q: Is it possible for a World War 3 to break out?
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Will World war 3 break out in reallife?

No but it can.

Is nuclear war still possible?

If Russia and the United States start fighting with each other so yes, World war 3 can break out in reallife. In that war, there will be no winner so let's pray that World war 3 will never start.

How do you know that world war 3 will break out?

it already did

Can World war 3 be real?

Anything is possible.

Is it possible to win World war 3?

World war 3 is almost impossible to win but yes it's possible. To survive through out World war 3 is to destroy the nukes and preventing the war from keep on happening. Note: Nukes are very powerful so destroy them before they are launched.

Is it possible that world war 2 could eventually lead to a world war 3?

Possibly but if there was a third world war it is highly unlikely that the second world war would be the cause.

Is World War 3 plausible?

World war 3 is almost impossible to but yes it's possible to win World war 3. There are only couple of ways to win this war, destroy the nukes and prevent the war from happening. Note: Nukes are very powerful so do not let them hit the ground.

Is it possible for World War 3 to start if so where will it start and how will the conflict end?

A world War 3 is inevitable one day earths resources will run out and from that people will begin to fight for it such is human nature unfortunately

Which war is world war 3?

There hasn't been a world war 3 yet.

What are some of the effects of world war 3?

there was no WWIII (world war 3)

Why is world war 3?

Huh?? There has never been a world war 3.

Did Norway fight in world war 3?

I did not know there was a world war 3 World War 3 has not happend uless they diside to call the war we're in now WW3.