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I would not say its normal , but then again women voting back when they didnt have the rights to wasnt either .

You need to ask yourself are you gay , Bi sexual or just like the feel of the clothing . Or do you prefer to be a girl ? .

You need to answer these questions cause if your caught you will need an honest answer . Plus 20% of the male population crossdresses in some form or fashion . but most never hear about it . besides clothing doesnt change what sex or sexual preference you are .

Contact Tri-ess , they are a national group and may can help you further . To be honest Im crossdressed anfd have done so since 12 , But My Girl friend knows and my female co workers seem to suspect . but It hasn't changed me that much except to be more understanding of women .

answerwell girls get away with crossdressing so why cant we
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Q: Is it okay if you are a 15-year-old male and wear girls' clothes all the time?
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