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They obtain a warrant and confiscate it.

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Q: Is it legal for authorities to seize your personal computer if you are accused of harassment on a public forum?
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How did the people during the Salem witch trials get accused. how were they accused?

One of the afflicted began complaining of a person and others joined in. Eventually family of neighbors would fill out an official complaint with the authorities.

What was the accusation against Socrates?

In 399 B.C.,the authorities of Athens accused Socrates of impiety and corrupting the youth. An other way to say what the charges were are: Heresy and corrupting the minds of the young.

If a person is considered innocent until proven guilty why can authorities list in the accused's background check that a criminal charge is pending?

It is possible due to the fact that the laws of the state in which the alledged crime occurred allows the action. The accused person has the right to appeal the issue on the grounds it violates one's civil rights. However, this can be a lengthy process and there is no guarantee that the plaintiff will prevail.

What are the rights of accused?

These are rights intended for individuals accused for a crime.

What emperor was accused of setting rome on fire?

The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.The emperor Nero was unjustly accused of setting Rome on fire.

Related questions

Who accused Bill Clinton of Sexual harassment?

paula Jones

Who accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment?

Anita Hill

Why did the Martin show get cancelled?

Gina accused martin for sexual harassment.

What to do when you are wrongly accused by your school of harassment?

If you are wrongly accused of harassment by your school, it is important to remain calm and respectful. Seek advice from a trusted adult or counselor and document any evidence or witnesses that can support your innocence. It may be necessary to cooperate with the school's investigation process and consider seeking legal advice if the situation escalates.

Whose wife falsely accused Joseph of sexual harassment?

Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph of sexual harassment in the biblical account found in the book of Genesis. She made the false accusation out of revenge because Joseph refused her advances.

If you are accused of harassment what are the consequences?

well you could be in join folr 5 years unless your in school then you could get expelled or suspended

What Supreme Court justices was accused of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearings?

Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. He attacked his accusers in the Senate Confirmation hearings head on, though, by refering to it as "nothing more than the high tech lynching of an uppity black man." His appointment was confirmed.

Was Clarence Thomas confirmed as a Supreme Court justice after Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment?

Ultimately, Thomas was confirmed for the Supreme Court; the controversy, however, had a lasting effect on the nation's understanding of sexual harassment.

If you go to the cinema with the boy you like and he doesn't make a move does it mean he doesnt like you?

He could be shy, or he could be worried about be accused of sexual harassment.

How did the people during the Salem witch trials get accused. how were they accused?

One of the afflicted began complaining of a person and others joined in. Eventually family of neighbors would fill out an official complaint with the authorities.

Which president got charged with sexual harassment?

Bill Clinton was accused of sexual harassment while he was governor of Arkansas. A state employee , Paula Jones filed a civil suit over the incident and eventually received am out-of-court cash settlement from Clinton.

What are the three crimes accused to Rizal?

Jose Rizal was accused of three crimes: rebellion, sedition, and conspiracy. These charges were brought against him by the Spanish colonial authorities due to his involvement in the independence movement in the Philippines.