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No. It is very rare, but the probability increases if you talking about Arab Israelis and Palestinians (as opposed to Jewish Israelis and Palestinians).

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Q: Is it common for Israelis and Palestinians to marry with each other?
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How many Israelis killed and how many Palestinians killed since the state of Israel created?

If you do a search on the web of casualty numbers for all wars and conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians, you can find the numbers although there are many different reports on numbers especially on the Arab side which is less exact. I took the higher estimates for all and counted approximately 19,000 Palestinians killed by Israelis and 18,885 Israelis killed by Palestinians and other Arabs since the start of the conflict in the 1920s. Also note that a further 18,300 Palestinians were killed by other Arab groups (Black September, War of the Camps, etc.). The amount of Israeli casualties from only conflicts with the Palestinians ranges from 2,000-3,000 individuals.

What do Palestinians believe in?

In terms of religion, most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims with a minority of Christians. "Druze Palestinians" and "Jewish Palestinians" typically identify with Israel more than Palestine and therefore call themselves Druze Israelis and Jewish Israelis. In terms of day to day occurrences, because of the relatively high level of education, Palestinians are less prone to believing conspiracy theories, except where Jews or Israel are concerned, than other Arab groups. They also tend to be more rational for the same reason. In terms of values, Palestinians have many of the same values as other Arabs, such as a high regard for family and tradition, open arms and hospitality to strangers, and strong emotional displays (especially concerning anger).

Are the Israelis and the Palestinians fighting about Gaza?

It is important to note that the military/paramilitary conflict is between Israelis and Palestinians, not Jews and Palestinians since the Israeli Army contains more than just Jews. Israelis and Palestinians are still fighting because neither group has achieved their objective. The Israeli objective is to have a dominant state in the region, living in peace with its neighbors, and with borders that are secure. The Palestinian objective is to have an independent government, international relations, and freedom of movement for its inhabitants. Unfortunately, both of these objectives are greatly expanded by fanatics on both sides who see the only possible implementation of these ideals being one in which the other party cannot exist or exists in such a weakened and defeated state that there can be no real peace. This is why the conflict continues. To see the causes and desires fueling the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in more detail, see the related question.

What do Israelis believe the sources of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to be?

Not every Israeli thinks the same way and you can find a wide variety of opinions across the Israeli political and social spectrum. Some Israelis think that the Palestinians are to blame and that the Palestinians as a group and Arabs as a whole cannot imagine the possibility that someone other than them has a right to govern any area in the Southern Levant. There are other Israelis who think that the entire conflict would end if Israel would only retreat from the Occupied Territories in the West Bank and withdraw all of the settlements. Most Israeli opinion, though, is somewhere in the middle, faulting both Palestinian Militants and Israeli Government Intransigence.

Why do Israelis hate Palestinians?

Answer 1Truthfully, most Israelis do not hate the Palestinians, they simply don't get along with them. The reason is because of an ancient feud that started when Israel's first Patriarch, Abraham had a son by another woman. This son named Ishmael became the father of the Arabian peoples. Abraham's full blood son, Isaac was the one who inherited the promise of the land of Israel But since Ishmael is "technically" also the son of Abraham, the Palestinians claim that they have the promise of god for the Land.So they "hate" each other simply because they have a feud over who the land Israel belongs to.Answer 2What Israelis are angry about as concerns Arabs in general, and Palestinians in particular, is their consistent denial of historical wrongdoing and segregation (such as the dhimmi status, the jizya and kharaj taxes, and humiliation in general), their failure to educate their children in the virtue of tolerance (instead teaching them literalist Qur'anic interpretations which inform them that Jews are the children of swine and that jihad will not end until all Jews die), the promulgation of anti-Semitic teachings (such as the Protocols of Zion and Holocaust-Denial), their toleration of torture and other vast human rights abuses of their own people, and a failure to accept the validity of a Jewish State.However, most Israelis would tell you that they do not hate the Palestinians, they only hate those Palestinians who have dedicated their lives to the murder of Israeli citizens.

Related questions

How many Israelis killed and how many Palestinians killed since the state of Israel created?

If you do a search on the web of casualty numbers for all wars and conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians, you can find the numbers although there are many different reports on numbers especially on the Arab side which is less exact. I took the higher estimates for all and counted approximately 19,000 Palestinians killed by Israelis and 18,885 Israelis killed by Palestinians and other Arabs since the start of the conflict in the 1920s. Also note that a further 18,300 Palestinians were killed by other Arab groups (Black September, War of the Camps, etc.). The amount of Israeli casualties from only conflicts with the Palestinians ranges from 2,000-3,000 individuals.

When the world will stop Israelis from killing defenseless Palestinians in Gaza?

The world will stop Israelis from killing defenseless Palestinians when those Palestinians stop launching rockets at Israeli cities, stop teaching Jew-hatred to their children, and recognize that the Two-State Solution is a Final Solution to the conflict. The world is also dragging its feet on helping the Kurds, Balochis, Darfurians, Igbo, Sahraoui, and numerous other peoples in far worse situations than the Palestinians.

What do Palestinians believe in?

In terms of religion, most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims with a minority of Christians. "Druze Palestinians" and "Jewish Palestinians" typically identify with Israel more than Palestine and therefore call themselves Druze Israelis and Jewish Israelis. In terms of day to day occurrences, because of the relatively high level of education, Palestinians are less prone to believing conspiracy theories, except where Jews or Israel are concerned, than other Arab groups. They also tend to be more rational for the same reason. In terms of values, Palestinians have many of the same values as other Arabs, such as a high regard for family and tradition, open arms and hospitality to strangers, and strong emotional displays (especially concerning anger).

What are the cultural barriers between Israelis and Palestinians?

One of the cultural barriers involves the difference of languages spoken by the two sides. Religious practices are also other differences between the two.

How did the Israelis and Palestinians hurt each other and keep peace at bay?

The Israelis and Palestinians have engaged in a prolonged conflict marked by violence, including terrorist attacks, military actions, and retaliations. Both sides have committed acts that have deepened mistrust and animosity, making peace negotiations challenging. Efforts to achieve lasting peace have been complicated by issues such as borders, security, settlements, and the status of Jerusalem.

What were the difficulties the Jews had living in Israel?

The Jews STILL live there, and they still have difficulties. The biggest problem is the situation with the Palestinian Territories. The Israelis require the Palestinians to recognize them as a state in order to gain independence, but the Palestinians refuse. On the Other hand, The Palestinians, want full control over the old city of Jerusalem, and the Israelis refuse. The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly stated that it will not recognize or deal with Israel. But another complication there is that all of the power, water, and cell phone service in the Territories come from Israel. In order for Israel to give complete independence, it would have to stop supplying the Palestinians with electricity and water, which they just can't do.

How are palestinians being treated?

Palestinians are treated horribly by everyone. Their leaders in Hamas would rather watch them die than talk peace. The Israelis see it worth their while to occupy and repress them. The other Arab States wall them in UNRWA ghettos and deny them basic human rights.

What is the main religion of Israelis and Palestinians?

There are actually three main religions in Israel. This, of course, is Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Jerusalem is also considered a holy city for all three faiths. While differences between the Jews and Palestinians linger on, they all worship the same God. This, of course, is the one God who has several names. The latter includes Ilahi, Allah, and Jehovah.

Is Jerusalem part of the British empire?

No. Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel which is an indepedent sovereign state (country). Israel was a British protectorate from the end of WWI until 1948. The Israelis recognize the importance of Jerusalem in the Christian and Islamic traditions and they maintain access to the Holy Land and the holy sites for all visitors. Given the tension between Israel and her Islamic neighbours, the Israelis have been very generous in their treatment of the Palestinians, but the Palestinians have been encouraged by other Muslim states to reject co-operation with the Israelis. It is sad because the Palestinians would do much better by accepting Israeli help. It is interesting that the only military campaigns against Israel were waged by the Egyptians who are not Arabs at all.

What percentage of Israelis are gay?

Exact numbers are not known, but it's estimated that as of 2014, there are 300,000 to 500,000 gay people in Israel, not including undocumented gay Palestinians living in Israel illegally (Escaping anti-gay discrimination and violence is is the number one reason Palestinians cross the border illegally).Illegal gay Palestinian immigrants may add thousands more to that number.

Are the Israelis and the Palestinians fighting about Gaza?

It is important to note that the military/paramilitary conflict is between Israelis and Palestinians, not Jews and Palestinians since the Israeli Army contains more than just Jews. Israelis and Palestinians are still fighting because neither group has achieved their objective. The Israeli objective is to have a dominant state in the region, living in peace with its neighbors, and with borders that are secure. The Palestinian objective is to have an independent government, international relations, and freedom of movement for its inhabitants. Unfortunately, both of these objectives are greatly expanded by fanatics on both sides who see the only possible implementation of these ideals being one in which the other party cannot exist or exists in such a weakened and defeated state that there can be no real peace. This is why the conflict continues. To see the causes and desires fueling the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in more detail, see the related question.

What do Israelis believe the sources of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to be?

Not every Israeli thinks the same way and you can find a wide variety of opinions across the Israeli political and social spectrum. Some Israelis think that the Palestinians are to blame and that the Palestinians as a group and Arabs as a whole cannot imagine the possibility that someone other than them has a right to govern any area in the Southern Levant. There are other Israelis who think that the entire conflict would end if Israel would only retreat from the Occupied Territories in the West Bank and withdraw all of the settlements. Most Israeli opinion, though, is somewhere in the middle, faulting both Palestinian Militants and Israeli Government Intransigence.