

Is it 400 BC or BC 400?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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400 b.C.

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Q: Is it 400 BC or BC 400?
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Which of the two dates suggests an earlier time- 220 BC or 400 BC?

400 BC is earlier than 220 BC

Is it true that 500 BC is before 400 BC?

no its false 400 bc comes before 500bc and 500bc comes after 400bc

How many years ago was 400 BC?

400 BC was 2416 years before AD 2017.

What emperor ruled Rome in 400 b c?

No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.No emperor ruled Rome in 400 BC. In that year Rome was a republic, not a principate.

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400 BC

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1200 bc subtracted by 1600 = -400

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When did alchemy start?

5000 bc - 400 bc

When and where was the first mathematical system of perspective in painting development?

In ancient Greece, starting around 400 BC

What Major Events occured from 400 BC until 1 BC?

blob head was formed

Who is one of the earliest astronomers known to man?

Hmm, maybe Gan De (approximately 400 BC), Nicetas of Syracuse (approximately 400 BC), or Eudoxus of Cridus (approximately 400 BC)? Also, the Chinese have a history of studying astronomy since about 600 BC. Dig around a little and maybe you'll find a recorded name.