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The egyptians used hieroglyphics instead of A,B,C and 1,2,3. Instead they had their own little way which people still use today.

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Q: Is hieroglyphics associated with Egyptian history?
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What is Egyptian picture writing?

Egyptian picture writing is also known as hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics is one of the earliest forms of writing in human history.

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The hieroglyphics for Nefertiti on this page of Wikipedia this page includes the hieroglyphics and a brief history on the well known Queen.

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The Rosetta Stone was crucial because it contained the same text in multiple languages (Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and Demotic script), allowing scholars to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. This breakthrough in deciphering the hieroglyphics provided a key to unlocking the language and understanding the ancient Egyptian civilization's history, culture, and religion.

Where could one go online to view pictures of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics?

Pictures of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics can be found online at sites that focus on the history of Egypt. They can also be found at some museums that have exhibits on Egypt.

Why was the reading of Egyptian hieroglyphics important to history?

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What is the name of the picture writing used by ancient egyptians?

Egyptian picture writing is also known as hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics is one of the earliest forms of writing in human history.

What is the word for Egyptian writing where pictorial symbols were used?

they are called called hieroglyphics.

What is the ancient Egyptian form of writing called?


Who was the french man who translated hieroglyphics?

Jean-François Champollion was the Frenchman who is credited with deciphering the Rosetta Stone and unlocking the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphics in 1822. Champollion's work was instrumental in advancing our understanding of ancient Egyptian history and culture.