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no it is not

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Q: Is fire a non-luminous object
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What does nonluminous body mean?

A nonluminous body is an object that does not emit light of its own. Instead, it reflects light from other sources, such as the Sun or artificial light sources. Examples of nonluminous bodies include the Moon, planets, and most asteroids.

How can a flashlight can be luminous and nonluminous?

A flashlight can be luminous when turned on, emitting light from the bulb. It can be nonluminous when turned off because at that point it is not emitting any light.

What is the color of nonluminous object?

The color of a non-luminous object is determined by the way it reflects light. Objects appear to have color based on the wavelengths of light that are reflected off their surfaces and into our eyes. The color we perceive depends on the specific wavelengths of light that are reflected and absorbed by the object.

Are light bulbs nonluminous?

Yes, light bulbs themselves are considered nonluminous because they do not produce light on their own. They require electricity to pass through a filament, which then emits light, making the bulb appear luminous.

Can a flashlight be luminous and nonluminous?

No, a flashlight is considered luminous because it generates its own light by converting battery power into light energy. Nonluminous objects do not produce their own light and rely on external light sources for illumination.

What is the conclusion of fire?

Heat, smoke, and the consumption or change of the fire's object.

How do you light up a fire?

Spray gasoline on an object and light the object with the lighter.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of open circuit fire alarm system?

[object Object]

Is there an indirect object in this sentence Prometheus stole fire from the Olympians?

No. "Prometheus" is the subject, "stole" is the transitive verb, "fire" is the direct object, and "from the Olympians" is a prepositional phrase with "from" as the preposition and "Olympians" as the object of the preposition.

How does an object gain heat?

set it on fire

Will an inflammable object catch fire?

Well, actually, yes it can because an imflammable object can still catch on fire just about anything can catch on fire cept for metall... eeek lucky to be metal ...

Why the dominant color of a nonluminous flame on a Bunsen burner blue?

The dominant color of a nonluminous flame on a Bunsen burner is blue. Whereas, the dominant color of a luminous flame on a Bunsen burner is orange.