No cause he was a lonely boy and died in his Dome
Ø Filippo's father was Brunellesco di Lippo, an Italian lawyer Ø His mother was Giuliana Spini
i love you kelsey
Filippo Brunelleschi was born in Florence, Italy in 1377 and died in Florence on April 15, 1446. He was an influential architect during the Italian Renaissance.
At May 4th 2009 - 278 Source:
Filippo Inzaghi is 181 cm.
Filippo Inzaghi goes by Pippo.
Filippo Inzaghi was born on August 9, 1973.
Filippo Inzaghi was born on August 9, 1973.
Filippo Inzaghi is 38 years old (birthdate: August 9, 1973).
Filippo Volta and Maria Maddalena Inzaghi.
Filippo Inzaghi!!
I is the Italian Filippo Inzaghi with 70 goals.
phonetics are tough...but basically it is: philly-poe in-zah-gi
It is Filippo Inzaghi , the Italian with 70 goals .
The highest scorers in the champion league are Raul and Filippo Inzaghi.
Filippo Inzaghi