Overall, computers are generally referred to as electronic devices but they are a combination of electronic and mechanical parts. The most common hard drives read a magnetic storage disc mechanically, though the new solid state drives that are taking over have no moving parts. Optical drives, CD/DVD, have mechanical parts to read the disc and the cooling fan is mechanical as well. I suppose a computer with a solid state drive and no optical or floppy disc drive or fan could be nearly totally electronic.
They could be (e.g. Charles Babbage's Analytical Enginea digital computer designed circa 1840 that was never built, Antikythera Mechanism an analog computer built circa 100 BC) but all modern computers are electronic.
The main defining criteria for computers is that they must be able to fully automate calculations without further human interaction, once initially set up. If a device can do this neither the technology nor mode of calculation used (digital or analog) used in it matter its a computer, if it cannot do this its not a computer.
There are 5 electro mechanical computer
An electro-mechanical computer is a computer that uses relays.
mechanical, but it did do floating point arithmetic.
it was an astronomical calculator. A form of mechanical analog computer. The nordon bombsight was also a form of mechanical analog computer.
Howard Aiken
There are 5 electro mechanical computer
An electro-mechanical computer is a computer that uses relays.
computer science is tougher than mechanical.............
pre-mechanics mechanical electro-mechanical electronics
evolution of computer
mechanical computer
mechanical, but it did do floating point arithmetic.
it was an astronomical calculator. A form of mechanical analog computer. The nordon bombsight was also a form of mechanical analog computer.
There have been mechanical computers in the past, but they were rare. Today the odds are good that any computer you encounter is digital.
mechanical, pre-mechanical, electro-mechanical and electronics by aiko January brunellesche