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Macedonia or "Makedonia" in Greek is a province of the northern Greek peninsula that began in ancient times as the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia until it was absorbed into the rest of Greece. So it was always a part of the Greek world although interpretations of political systems have varied from ancient to modern times.

Since 1946 there is also a country to the north that inhabits the territory that in ancient times was the land of Paeonia and Dardania and whose inhabitants are a mixture of Albanians, Slavs, Turks and Shutka people. As part of communist Yugoslavia, it was named Vardar Banovina but was renamed the Peoples Republic of Macedonia, under the communist leadership of Joseph Broz Tito, in order to lay claim to Greece's northern province. This land was never part of historical Macedonia proper.

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7y ago
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13y ago

The answer to this question is debatable but if you want a straight forward answer I would say no. Macedonia was not considered part of Greece but simply was/is a country to the north. The clue to this is shown when Alexandra rules the Macedonian empire, not the Aachen or Greek empire.

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7y ago

Yes. It is now a province in the Hellenic Republic (Greece)

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11y ago

No, the are two different countries and each had its peak of influence at different times. Rome did, however, absorb some of the Greek culture and ideas and adapted them to Roman standards.

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10y ago

Yes. The Romans took advantage of the incessant internal fighting in the Greek world to progressively incorporate the cities into its empire.

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