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The value of a six pence stamp will depend on the year of the stamp, and the condition of the stamp.

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Q: Is a six pence stamp worth anything?
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What is the US dollar value of a 1954 British six pence?

Maybe one dollar to a collector.

What did the Stamp Act Congress of 1765 do?

The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting in the building that would become Federal Hall in New York City in October of 1765 consisting of delegates from 9 of the 13 colonies that discussed and acted upon the recently passed Stamp Act. The meetings adopted a Declaration of Rights and Grievances. The delegates could not be convinced to affix their names to the document and only one signature appeared - the clerk of the congress. Only six of the colonies agreed to write petitions to the King and both houses of Parliament.[1] This Congress is viewed by some as the first organized American action in the prelude to the American Revolution. The colonies that did not send delegates were Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and New Hampshire.American independence from Britain was inevitable.

What was the currency in the Victorian?

The currency of England was unchanged from the middle ages until decimalisation in 1971. The currency was pounds, shillings and pence. 4 farthings = 1 penny (1d = 4 x ¼d) 12 pence = 1 shilling (1/- = 12d) 20 shillings = one pound (£1 = 20/-) That gave £1 = 960 Farthings. The farthing was abolished before decimalisation as its value had become so low. There was also an alternative top-level unit, the guinea. 1 Guinea = 21 shillings. Large amounts were sometimes quoted in Guineas instead of pounds Examples of how amounts were written: 2½d = Two and a half pence, pronounced: "Tuppence Ha'penny". 6d = Sixpence = half of a shilling. 10/- = 10 shillings 10/6 = 10 shillings and six pence £5/7/6 = 5 pounds, 7 shillings and sixpence. Since 1971, £1 = 100p (pence). The pound was unchanged by decimalisation, but its value has significantly decreased because of inflation.

How much did the soldiers get paid in World War I?

Service members in World War 1 were paid at standard fees based on their rank and their time in service. Perhaps someone has a payscale from 90 years ago they can post. in world war 1 the soldiers were paid 10 shillings which today is 50p in todays money.

What was the pay for factory workers in the Industrial Revolution?

{| |- | Number Weekly Wages MALES 1 1000 pounds per year Mill Manager (Also got 3 per cent of the profits) 26 15s-32s Overseers and clerks 6 17s-25s Mechanics and engine drivers 3 14s-21s Carpenters and blacksmiths 1 15s Lodge keeper 16 14s-15s Power loom machinery attendants and steamers 18 10s-15s Mill machinery attendants and loom cleaners 5 5s-12s Spindle cleaners, bobbin stampers and packers, messengers, sweepers - 7s-10s Watchmen - 5s-10s Coachmen, grooms and van driver 38 2s-4s Winders 114 Total Males Number Weekly Wages FEMALES 4 10s-11s Gauze examiners 4 9s-10s Female assistant overseers 16 7s-10s Warpers 9 7s-10s Twisters 4 6s-9s Wasters 589 5s-8s Weavers 2 6s-7s Plugwinders 83 4s-6s Drawers and doublers 188 2s-4s Winders 899 Total Females1013 GRAND TOTAL WORK FORCE |}

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How much were a shilling and sixpence worth?

Under pre-decimal currency in the UK, a shilling was worth twelve pence, and a sixpence worth six pence. The UK adopted decimal currency in 1971.

Is A Six Pence Coin A Dime?

No. Sixpence is a British Commonwealth coin and is worth six Pennies. A Dime is a US coin and worth 10 cents.

What is the total of six pence five pence and four pence?


How many pence are there in six pounds fifty three?

There are 653 Pence in six pounds fifty three.

How much 86 pence go into six pounds?

One Pound = 100 Pence Six Pounds = 600 Pence 600 divided by 86 = 6.976

How much pence are there in six pounds fifty three?

653 pence

What was two and six?

Two shillings and six pence.

What price is a six pence worth year1936?

It is worth about $1.20 in silver scrap if circulated and up to $5-10 if uncirculated. It isn't a rare date and is 50% silver.

How much is a 1963 six pence worth?

Not much - unless there's something unique about it. There were hundreds of thousands of sixpences produced while they were still legal tender.

What are the release dates for Not for Publication - 1951 Sing a Song of Six Pence?

Not for Publication - 1951 Sing a Song of Six Pence was released on: USA: 29 February 1952

What is worth more half a crown or a tanner?

half a crown was two shillings six pence or 5 sixpences a sixpence was nicknamed a tanner 1 x 6 pence = sixpence (a tanner) 2 x 6 pence = 1 shilling (a bob) 4 x 6 pence = 2 shillings = 1 florin 5 x 6 pence = 1 half crown 10 x 6 pence = 1 crown = 1/4 pound

How do you write 6 pounds 99 pence in french?

six livres et quatre vingt dix neuf pence