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Because... if the cities where they work aren't close to their neighborhood... they have to get there somehow. xP And some people don't want to pay for gas and a car. So they commute using public transportation. Like subways and buses and all that good stuff. XD In some places, like the town I live in right now, buses are free, so it's even better for people who want to get places quickly.

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Q: Is a major reason that people move to suburbs?
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What is a major reason that people move to exurbs?

It had warm climate (apex)

What invention allowed people to move to the suburbs?

The Automobile

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What is the process in which people move from the country into the city and suburbs called?

Urbanization is the process in which people move from rural areas into cities and suburbs. This trend is driven by factors such as job opportunities, better access to services, and improved quality of life in urban areas.

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Move out to the suburbs.

Why were American families less likely to move to the suburbs?

African American families were less likey to move to the suburbs because they faced discrimination from banks.

What enabled middle and upper class people to move to the suburbs?

The spread of mass transit from the city to the suburbs.People rode streetcars to the city to work, shop, and be entertained, and returned to their homes in the suburbs in the evening.

Why were African American families less likely to move to suburbs?

African American families were less likey to move to the suburbs because they faced discrimination from banks.

What early 20th century invention helped people move to the suburbs from the cities in later half of the 20th century?

the automobile

Why were African American families less likely to move to the suburbs?

African American families were less likey to move to the suburbs because they faced discrimination from banks.

Why did people move from cities to the suburbs?

People want to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the suburbian life. Where birds sings joyously and people can drive their car without locking all their doors.