A king is a monarch. A country ruled by a king and/or queen is called a monarchy.
King Charles II was known as the merry monarch.
Monarch is a Noun.
This is confusing. King Louis XVI was the monarch, since a monarch is a king.If you are asking what influence King Louis XVI had on the monarchy, you may be getting confused with King Louis XIV, his ancestor.Louis XVI's influence on the monarchy was to have it abolished, as he was King during the French Revolution.
King George VI
Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister and King George VI was monarch.
The British monarch is also the Canadian monarch, as Canada is part of the British Commonwealth. Therefore, there is currently no King of Canada, but Elizabeth II is the Queen of Canada.
There has not been a monarch of England since 1707. England is a part of, but not the same as, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In 1725, the monarch was King George I, who reigned from 1714 to 1727. At that time he was King of The United Kingdom of Great Britain, and, separately, King of Ireland.
Both a king and a queen are an example of a monarch.
King Charles II was known as the merry monarch.
Hitler was NOT a monarch. If anything, he was a dictator. A monarch is made by birth. A king's first son is the next king. Hitler was elected.
England is part of the United Kingdom. Its monarch is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The norwegian monarch is King Harald V (King Harald the fifth).
King Charles II was known as the merry monarch.
The word "monarch" means king or leader.
Monarch is a ruler. It's like a king or a queen.