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Yes because a spoon mold was invented by Paul Revere


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Q: Is a bronze spoon mold for making pewter spoons and marked 1790 PR be made by Paul Revere?
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What was pewter's use in the middle ages?

Pewter is an alloy of metals, mostly of tin, with small amounts of copper, lead, bismuth, and antimony. It is both malleable and has a low melting point, allowing for both hammering and casting. Medieval pewter appears to have been tin mixed with a small amount of copper, and then an variable amount of lead. There is documentation from the 15th and 16th centuries of various grades of pewter depending on intended use from England. Flatware had the least lead, holloware used somewhat more, and items not intended for contact with food had considerably more. Pewter is impractical in military application, being too soft for weapons and armor. It was used primarily for tableware and similar vessels, ritual items in churches, and to a lesser extent decorative items and toys. This continued after the middle ages until porcelain and modern glass techniques replaced it in the 18th and 19th centuries.

What is a pewterer?

Pewter is a metal alloy with copper in it. You can make loads of stuff out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace of cake in order to be pewter the alloy must contain 90% tin, it also has traces of nickel antimony and something like less-than 1% silver, all used as hardening agents

Why was a pewterer important ti colonial America?

Throughout much of the 17th and 18th centuries - the majority of which comprise the colonial period in America - amongst all but the wealthy in north-west Europe, pewter was the material of choice for household utensils such as plates, bowls, mugs, jugs, and spoons. It has been said that pewter then fulfilled the functions that now rely on plastics and ceramics. Colonists from Britain and Europe brought with them this reliance on pewter in their everyday lives. Vast quantities of pewter were exported from Britain and Europe to satisfy demand in the American colonies. But, like any emerging economy, an indigenous manufacturing capability inevitably developed, at first perhaps just repairing pieces, then moving on to recycling scrap metal into newly-fashioned wares. Some of the pewtering skills were imported too. Records about pewterers in London tell us that several craftsmen crossed the Atlantic to ply their trade in the New World. With the skills present, consumer demand strong, and a significant quantity of pewter around, most of the pre-conditions for a fully-fledged pewter industry were in place. However, there was one stumbling block: pewter is principally an alloy of tin, and there are no indigenous sources of tin in North America, so the primary raw material had itself to be imported. Because of this, the numbers of pewterers relative to the population in America never approached that found in north-west Europe, and the pewter trade in America maintained a significant reliance on imports of manufactured wares until the end of the period of pewter's dominance in the utensil market in the 19th century. Hope that helps. Martin Roberts,

Metal from which some plates cups were made from the colonial times?

Pewter, an alloy of tin and copper.

What did it say on the pewter plate Dirk Hartog left behind?

The English translation of the Dutch inscription left by Dirk Hartog on the pewter plate at Cape Inscription read:1616. On 25th October there arrived here the ship Eendraght of Amsterdam. Supercargo Gilles Miebais of Liege; skipper Dirck Hatichs of Amsterdam. On 27th do. she set sail again for Bantam. Subcargo Jan Stins; upper steersman Pieter Doores of Bil. In the year 1616.

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What does silver and bronze mixed together make?

When silver and bronze are mixed together, they create a type of alloy known as pewter. Pewter has a warm, muted color that falls between silver and bronze. It is commonly used in decorative items and tableware.

Bronze and pewter are solid solutions called what?

It an alloy

What colors will match pewter color shirt?

a bronze chastity belt.

What is the value of Birth of a nation pewter plate series?

birth of a nation.....the ride of paul revere plate

I have a bi-centennial plate made of metal. It is marked Taiwan. How do I know if it is metal or pewter?

Pewter is a metal, its made from tin and a small amount of copper, so if it's pewter it's metal

What is the alloy called which is a combination of copper and tin?

Pewter or bronze depending on the ratio of the copper to tin.

What are the amounts of each substance in an alloy?

It depends on the alloy, whether bronze, brass, pewter, etc.

What non ferrous alloys were used by pre Iron Age metalworkers?

Pre Iron Age metalworkers used non-ferrous alloys such as bronze (copper and tin), brass (copper and zinc), and pewter (tin and lead). These alloys were valued for their strength, malleability, and resistance to corrosion, making them ideal for tools, weapons, and decorative items.

What was tin made for in 1066?

Tin is used to make bronze and pewter, both were used in the Medieval period.

What is the current market price for scrap pewter?

Since pewter is mostly tin / lead (newer pewter is lead free) it is not very valuable. Stupid answer above, seeing as how Tin is more than TWICE as valuable as copper!

Is anteros made of pewter?

No, Anteros is not typically made of pewter. Anteros is a sculptural figure from Greek mythology, often depicted in various materials such as stone, bronze, or marble. However, modern reproductions or interpretations of Anteros could potentially be made from different materials, including pewter.

Why does an electromagnet not attract aluminium copper titanium brass bronze tin nickel platinum gold silver lead or pewter?

for areason