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A U-boat was a submarine used by Germany in World War 1 and World War 2.

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13y ago

Yes, an underwater boat (u-boat) is a German made submarine.

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Q: Is a U boat a submarine?
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Why did they change the name u-boat to submarine?

the U boat 'is' the German word for submarine. western nations just used submarine. U boat is short for Unterwasserboot, which translates as undersea boat or under water boat or submarine.

Are torpedo boats and U-boats the same thing?

No, a U-boat is a submarine. A torpedo boat is the boat that destroys the submarine.

What was a World War 1 U-boat?

Let's call it a U Boat. An undersea boat, a Submarine.

What is the abbrreviation for submarine?

Sub or U Boat.

What was a U-boat?

A submarine of the German navy.

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What is a uboat?

U-Boat was the name used by the Allies for German submarines particularly during WW2. U-Boat stood for Unterseeboot, the German for submarine. Unterseeboot was actually a general term for submarines.Answer: An undersea boat or submarine. Also can be known as a German Submarine.A U-Boat or "unter see boot" is the German name for a submarine.

Submarine in World War I?


How do you use U-boat in a sentence?

U-boat is a World War II term for a German submarine.

What was the German U-boat?

Unterseeboot is German for submarine.

What is the difference between a U-boat and a submarine?

U-boat, or Unterseeboot, is just the German word for the English term submarine. It literally translates to under-sea boat. The U-boat engineering led it to be particularly deadly because the destroyers that it was in direct combat against had not been built to defend against them. Links are provided.

What was a U-boat in world war 1?

a U-Boat is a German Submarine used to fight the U.S in WW1