

Is Stonehenge an ancient temple

Updated: 9/30/2022
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13y ago

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To my knowledge, Stonehenge is still a mystery. No one knows if it was a temple or what its purpose was. It is however more likely to be a temple than some kind of complex 'observatory'. Around 1720 Dr Willaim Stukeley noticed the midsummer sunrise was visible in the direction of the Heelstone, ever since that time more and more complex 'astronomical alignments' have been conjectured. The simple fact is that the stones at Stonehenge were laid out to a precise plan wherein they relate to one another, not to distant objects or the sky. Sure there is the solstice alignment, but even that is confused- because the monument faces the midwinter sunset not midsummer sunrise. All the arguments point to it being an elegantly designed and premeditated mirrored geometric construction (with its axis fixed on the solstices) are presented in recent research entitled 'Solving Stonehenge'. The author, an experienced archaeologist, is in no doubt that it was a Temple.

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